Raipur: Get corona check done within 24 hours of showing symptoms – Dr. Panda

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Raipur 20 March 2021. Considering the increase in corona infection in the state, doctors are repeatedly warning that everyone still needs to behave corona favorably. Pulmonary Specialist of Makahara, Dr RK Panda said that in view of the current season, corona examination should be done, not ignoring the slight cold, cough, fever. Also, after conducting the investigation, you should isolate yourself so that if the test comes positive then you can save your family from it.

Dr. Panda said that eligible people must be vaccinated. Elderly should be vaccinated soon so that they come in the first cycle of protection. Even after applying the vaccine, masking, crowd avoidance and hand cleaning are mandatory. The second dose is to be applied 28 days after the first dose. 14 days after the second dose, resistance develops in Shrir. Therefore, it is important to behave corona favorably even after the second dose.