Raipur: Food Minister Inaugurates Photograph Exhibition cum Information Camp

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Raipur 19 March 2021.  Public Relations Department is organizing a photo exhibition cum information camp in the districts of the state to give information about the welfare schemes of the state government. Food Minister Shri Amarjeet Bhagat on Thursday inaugurated Chhayasachitra exhibition cum information camp at Batauli weekly hot-market of Surguja district, during which he along with local public representatives, based on public welfare schemes of the state government and the development works being carried out by the district administration. Visited the exhibition. He described the photographs exhibition as very suitable for information about people.
On this occasion, a public magazine published by the Public Relations Department based on the public welfare schemes and achievements of the government, Janman, Sambal and other publicity materials were distributed on this occasion. Attractive various schemes run by the government including Chhattisgarh government’s ambitious scheme, Narva, Garwa, Ghurwa and Bari, purchase paddy on support price, Godan Nyaya, purchase of Chhavanopaj, Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyaya Yojana and Chief Minister Suchitna Abhiyan through photographs exhibition. Displayed through photographs.