Raigad: Role of public representatives in ground implementation of government schemes, important collector Mr. Bhim Singh

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One -day workshop for administration by representatives of the direct dialogue

Raigad , 10 March 2021.  Chief Suposhn plan to with the rule of various schemes of effective surface implementation in view of today’s district of head / secretaries and councilors of one -day workshop held in went. Collector Shri Bhim Singh ‘s initiative to organize this workshop is through the administration of direct representatives of Communicated . Which rule the various important plans for implementation and oversight of the role of the relationship in the information given to the.
Collector Shri Singh has a workshop to address the comfort and said that malnutrition to delete the community and representatives of the role key is. Anganwadi workers to with the village The people when shared effort will be our children ‘s malnutrition in the hands of early discharge will. He said that infrastructure development its place on the on the children ‘s health is far more important is. Malnutrition is against fighting in the administrative efforts of with you all the support during critical is.
He said that Raigarh in malnutrition away to the of DMF item of 14 million rupees of sum reported to be doing is. Ready to eat in with the children ‘s hot meals have been having is that it sure is that nutritional diet right time to children to get going is. Also with the pregnant women and Animic women are also hot food has been going to. It all wide level to be going to work is. Nutritional diet to form in cooperation with with the plan of implementation of regular Moॅnitring in their participation vital Showing. So the focus in Keeping all malnutrition free Panchayat campaign ‘s introduction of the. Where departmental effort to with representatives of cooperation from Panchayat from malnutrition erase the campaign ‘s introduction of went to.
Collector Shri Singh has said that menstrual hygiene in some districts in dues campaign ‘s introduction of went to. Its purpose is not only economical rates on villages in sanitary pads are getting is rather periods of attached that misconceptions prevailing is them away to do. As for self – help groups and training have to be going to. District in sanitary pads manufacturing machines also set to be a is. The next 6 months in the district of the remote areas of Anganwadi centers in sanitary pads available Hongee. Active participation of public representatives is also necessary in this work . Collector Shri Singh said representatives from Nrwa , Grwa , Gurwa , agriculture and cattle judge plans to also speak of. They
Said that the rural economy the boost provided to the purpose of the rule by the plans started to went to. The role of representatives is also important in its operation . Cattle justice plan of under constructed going to vermi compost from organic farming to boost get going is. Due to this, the land and crop The quality also continued to remain. He told that today the demand for vermi compost to be made in the district has also started coming from Odisha and Jharkhand . Cattle justice plan of under constructed going to vermi compost the quality of attention to very important is. Panchayat representative is necessary for this Monitoring in the implementation of the plan . He rural areas in the drinking water supplies of some water life mission by being the supposed actions of about the thing you are told that it is very important plan is. Through this , water has to be supplied to every household from the tap . its
Implementation wide level to be going for it. Mission under the school , Anganwadi and health centers in the running water supply to some panchayat by work done to it. He all the replies go to work in the quality of special attention to the form said. He further said that people The heads turn. He government plans for information by profit -taking in order to encourage the. Education and health of the sector in viseasa focus on the well work to do. He said that the villages in the KCC to create a campaign started to be doing is.
On this occasion , CEO Zilla Panchayat Ms. Richa Prakash Chaudhary said panchayats of associated actions to respect the point of the 14 th and 15 th Finance and under are going to Caryean ‘s about to tell. They scheme to under are going to work for about the information they find it attached to the technical aspects on the matter Of. He delegates the panchayat level to plan ready when the time attention to those necessary points and online payment in relation to the set to make precautions to about to tell.
Excellent work to those who shared their experience workshop in the district of earlier malnutrition free panchayat Bamhnpali the
Head and Anganwadi workers by their villages to malnutrition free make of them has been the efforts of about a said. The Hamirpur sector Supervisor Ms. Nirmala Dewangan said his sector under are going to innovations and about the information reported.
Various departments of the functions of the went Info
Program for female hair growth and with social welfare , Public Health Engineering and Food Department of the associated functions of the subject in said were. Social Welfare Department by disability pension and old age pension , manufacturing and accounts for verification of about the reported was. At the same time, under the water life mission 2024 to rural Ilakon in every household tap the water delivering the scheme on which work is going to have her relationship in detail the information provided went. Also , with panchayats and through the water life mission under the school , Anganwadi and health center in running water to supply the for Made to be functions of the information provided went. This type of food department by ration card manufacturing hold an eclectic information provided went. Present representatives to work with relevant questions to answer departmental officials by the was.
Representatives of questions to have been answered this opportunity to representatives of by
Plans to implement the relation to various questions also put on , which answers departmental officials by the was. Collector Shri Bhim Singh had ration cards with regard to Vicaskndwar problem solving camp out the instructions given.
Program Dr . Kakoli Patnaik said female health of the speech Given. Shri T. , Program Officer, Department of Women and Child Development . The . Jatavara the chief suposana campaign ‘s with the district in the local level, at the made being are the efforts of about a come as other representatives to tell. Program in the platform operating principal , Mr. Rajesh Daniel ‘ve done has been. Q.