Korba: Rural people are knowing the facility of treatment through ration card for free through information camp: Development photo exhibition cum information camp organized in village Bhainsma of Korba

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Korba 05 March 2021. Under the Dr. Khubchand Baghel Health Assistance Scheme, the government is providing the facility of free treatment from ration cards. Information about this important and public welfare scheme of the health sector is being passed on to the people by the Public Relations Department. The villagers are taking information about such important schemes in the development photo exhibition cum information camp. Information camps are being organized in various villages of the district to bring the government’s plans to the reach of all people. The Public Relations Department organized the Gram Panchayat of Korba, in the weekly market of Bhainsma, today. Information about development schemes and public welfare schemes reached rural camps from far and wide. Through the camp, information about various schemes, publicity booklet Janman, Sambal and Kisan Guides were distributed free of cost to the villagers. Former sarpanch of village Bhainsma Mr. Ahil Singh Humane also reached the information camp. He looked at Janman, a booklet based on government schemes and achievements of the government. He went through various public schemes implemented by the government for the benefit of the people. He said that the ambitious scheme of governance is very useful and beneficial for the people of Narva-Garwa-Ghurava-Bari rural areas. Through the Gothan established by the government in the villages, the villagers are actively engaged in the work of livelihood promotion. Various types of activities that strengthen the rural economy are also being conducted in Gothan.

Vikas Photo Exhibition cum Information Camp, Mr. Jageshar Singh, resident of village Gidhauri, and Mr. Lalluram, resident of village Dhondhatrai, came to the camp to see the government plans through photos. He described the information of various schemes given in publicity booklet Janman as enlightening. He also praised the government for knowing about the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyaya Yojana and the Godhan Nyaya Yojana, along with the information on various schemes given in the Janmaan booklet. Shri Lalluram said that the Mahatma Gandhi Employment Guarantee Scheme is being implemented by the state government to provide employment to the rural people in rural areas. People are getting employment in their village through MNREGA. This scheme is very beneficial for the poor and needy farmers. Implementation of Chhattisgarh government’s ambitious scheme Narva, Garwa, Ghurwa and Bari in camp, Paddy purchased at support price, Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyaya Yojana, Godan Nyaya Yojana, Adarsh ​​Gauthan, Electricity Bill Half Plan, MNREGA, Chief Minister Surannithan Abhiyan, Ram Van Gaman Various public welfare schemes of Path, Short-term agricultural loan waiver, Health, Education, Women and Child Development Department, PDS, Agriculture Department were displayed through photographs. On March 6, the development photo exhibition cum information camp will be organized in the Gram Panchayat Bijjhara of development block Podi-Upora.