Raipur: Administration successful in stopping the marriage of minor girl in Biligadh: Explained to marry after completion of 18 years

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Raipur, 15 February 2021.  The vigilance and joint efforts of the administration in Biladigarh in Balodabazar-Bhatapara district succeeded in stopping the marriage of a minor girl. The District Child Protection Unit, with the help of the police, has advised the families of the minor girl not to marry her now, and has filed a declaration to the effect that the marriage will be done only after the girl has completed the age of 18 years. It is noteworthy that Public Awareness Campaign is being conducted in connection with the prevention of child marriage in the district by the Women and Child Development Department under the guidance of Collector Shri Sunil Kumar Jain.
District child protection unit Balodabazar received information about the wedding ceremony of 15 rainy teenager girl from a village in Biligadh development block on 14 February. Taking quick action on the information, a joint team of District Child Protection Unit and Biligadh police station reached the village at the wedding venue. After inquiring about the age of the bride and groom’s relatives present at the wedding venue, the girl’s age was found to be 15 and a half years. On the occasion, the team of officials informed the girl’s family members and villagers about the provisions of the Child Marriage Prohibition Act 2006 and also informed about the physical harm and ill effects caused to the girl child by getting married under the age of 18 years. On the explanation of the team of officers, the family admitted their mistake and said that the girl child should be married after completing 18 years and the declaration was signed.
The district administration Balodabazar-Bhatapara has appealed people not to marry their minor children under any circumstances. The district administration has urged all the heads of society, social institutions and volunteers to cooperate for the elimination of this evil practice. It has been appealed to the people that in case of any doubt about the age of the bride and groom in any case of marriage, it must be immediately reported in the toll free number 1098 of the District Child Protection Unit office number 07727-222253, Child Line Se Deve, so that necessary actions can be taken by the administration to prevent child marriage.