Rajnandgaon: Women must use sanitary pads for hygiene during menstruation: Collector

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Launch of sanitary pad product unit of women of ‘Bihan’
Mera Pad Mera Adhikar Yojana Selection
of women group from Chhattisgarh to Rajnandgaon district, Godavari Self Help Group women get livelihood
pad by making pads locally Will be available

Rajnandgaon 13 February 2021.  Collector Mr. Topswar Verma today launched sanitary pad product unit of women of ‘Bihan’ under ‘Mera Pad Mera Adhikar’ program in village Pitepani of Dongargarh development block today. Collector Shri Verma said that this initiative of producing sanitary pads at the local level by women of Godavari Self Help Group of Bihan in collaboration with NABARD in the remote area is laudable. He said that cleanliness is very important during Mahavari. Many types of diseases occur due to lack of cleanliness. The pad is scientifically constructed by examining the probe. Women must use pads for the health and care of their bodies. He urged the village women to save every month keeping in mind their health and buy sanitary pads. Women in rural areas, homes, farming, Do many jobs with livelihood. Change must come with time. All women bought pads, this would protect them from many diseases. Construction of pads at the local level by the women’s group will make the pads available to the rural women at a reasonable cost. At the same time, the women of the group got livelihood. He instructed to submit a proposal for construction of a building for a training center of Rs 10 lakh.
Collector Verma said that in this period of women empowerment, women are moving ahead in all fields. Godavari Self Help Groups make the village women aware of cleanliness and motivate them to use pads. He said that Padmashree Phulbasan Bai Yadav of Sukuldaihan has created a different identity through his works and hard work. In the same way, everyone has to act honestly. Pad production machine has been provided free of cost by NABARD and raw material has also been provided, this will help the group. District Panchayat member Smt. Ramakshtriya Chandravanshi said that there is a need to give information regarding the use of sanitary pads to teenage girls and women at the time of Mahavari. He said that it is the responsibility of women to create the creation. Women can do a lot. Keeping hygiene is necessary to keep cleanliness.
DDM of NABARD Rajnandgaon Mr. Sunil Gavarkar said that Mera Pad is my right dream project and Godavari Self Help Group from Rajnandgaon district from Chhattisgarh has been selected by looking at its works. He informed that for this, the pad production machine and two months’ raw material group were free. Fees have been given. The amount of 3 workers will also be given daily for 50 days. Through this, awareness will be given about cleanliness in women and employment will be available to women of Women’s Self Help Group. Chairperson of Women’s Self Help Group, Mrs. Godavari Nishad said that after the operation of a 16-year-old girl, childmaking had to be removed. Seeing her suffering, it came to my mind that the health of daughters is very important and we all took steps in this direction. He expressed his gratitude to NABARD’s DDM. He said that daughters are the foundation of the family and families of two families are destitute. Poor and needy women associated with this group will get a livelihood and women will be provided sanitary pads from door to door. You have reached here by saving drop by drop amount and will do better work even further. On this occasion SDM Mr. Avinash Bhoi, District CEO Mr. LK Kachlam, Sarpanch Smt. Trijya Bai Verma,