Raipur: Out of the registered farmers in Chhattisgarh, a record 95.38 percent farmers sold paddy at the support price

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Number of farmers selling paddy, registered acreage and paddy
procurement; Highest ever since state formation; Paddy procurement of more than 92 lakh metric tonnes this year: Paddy procurement highest in 20 years

Raipur, 30 January 2021.  Due to the farmer friendly policies implemented in Chhattisgarh under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel and better system of paddy procurement at support price, a record 95.38 percent of total registered farmers sold paddy in Kharif marketing year 2020-21. The number of farmers selling paddy is the highest this year. This year out of 21 lakh 52 thousand 475 farmers, 20 lakh 53 thousand 483 farmers have sold their paddy.


After formation of new government in Chhattisgarh, the number of farmers selling paddy on support price, total registered acreage, area of ​​paddy sold, percentage of farmers selling paddy as well as the total amount of paddy sold also increased significantly. is. In the 20 years of state formation in the year 2020-21, this year Chhattisgarh has created a new record for purchasing more than 92 lakh metric tonnes of paddy.


If we look at the number of farmers who sold paddy in the last 6 years, 11 lakh 5 thousand 556 farmers out of 13 lakh 17 thousand 583 registered farmers have sold their paddy in the year 2015-16, which is 83.9 percent of the total registered farmers. . Similarly, out of 14 lakh 51 thousand 88 farmers registered in 2016-17, 13 lakh 27 thousand 944 farmers sold paddy, the percentage of which is 91.5. Out of 15 lakh 77 thousand 332 farmers registered in the year 2017-18, 12 lakh 6 thousand 264 farmers sold paddy, which is 76.4 percent. Out of 16 lakh 96 thousand 765 farmers registered in the year 2018-19, 15 lakh 71 thousand 414 farmers sold paddy, which is 92.6 percent. Similarly, out of 19 lakh 55 thousand 544 farmers registered in the year 2019-20, 18 lakh 38 thousand 593 farmers have sold their paddy, which is 94.02 percent. Compared to these years, 95 percent of the farmers who sold paddy in the year 2020-21.
Significantly, despite the adverse circumstances in the state, adequate arrangements were made for the purchase of paddy by the state government. The smooth availability of gunny bags was ensured through several alternative arrangements to overcome the shortage of gunny bags. Payments to farmers were continuous. In addition to custom milling, the lifting of paddy in the collection centers is also continuing. Paddy procurement has been done peacefully and smoothly in the state.
Under the leadership of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, Chhattisgarh has created a new record in paddy procurement. There has been a significant increase in the area of ​​farming and farming in the state in the last two years. Due to the farmer-friendly policies of the state government, the area of ​​registration of paddy cultivation has reached more than 27 lakh hectares and the number of registered farmers has reached 21 lakh 52 thousand. This too is a record in itself.
There has also been a significant increase in the amount of registered area and total acquired paddy for the purchase of paddy at the support price in the last 6 years and in the year 2015-16, 21 lakh 26 thousand hectare area was registered and on the support price of 59 lakh metric tons of paddy Was purchased The area registered in the year 2016-17 was 23 lakh 42 thousand hectares and 69 lakh metric tonnes of paddy was purchased. The area registered in the year 2017-18 was 24 lakh 46 thousand hectares and 56 lakh metric tonnes of paddy was purchased. The area registered in the year 2018-19 was 25 lakh 60 thousand hectares and 80 lakh metric tonnes of paddy was purchased. The area registered in the year 2019-20 was 26 lakh 88 thousand hectares and 83 lakh metric tonnes of paddy was purchased.
It is a sign of a happy future for the agricultural farming growing in the agrarian Chhattisgarh state. Farming in the state got a support. People who have left agriculture have returned to agriculture. Under the Rajiv Gandhi Kisan Nyay Yojana, the farmers’ enthusiasm doubled after getting 10 thousand rupees per acre of agricultural input assistance. Under this scheme, farmers of the state are being provided direct assistance of Rs. 5750 crore. The amount of three installments has also been transferred to the farmers’ accounts and the fourth installment amount will be transferred by March.