Raipur: Become aware by adopting education and move the society forward Nishad society: Minister Dr. Dahria

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Guha Nishad Raj Jayanti joins Urban Administration Minister

Raipur 24 January 2021.  Urban Administration Minister Dr. Shivkumar Dahria joined the devotee Guha Nishad Raj Jayanti in the ceremony. During this, he inaugurated the newly constructed platform for the people of the society. Dr. Shivkumar Dahria, the chief guest who reached the program of Nishad society, said that the state government is working for the development of all societies and classes. Nishad society is also involved in this. The Chief Minister has announced the naming of the airport at Nyadashani Bilaspur in the name of Bilasa Bai Canteen. This will increase the identity of the society. On the demand of the society, Minister Dr. Dahria announced the name of a chowk in the name of Guha Nishad Raj.


Minister Dr. Dhariya said that the people of the society are very struggling and philanthropists. Those who struggle are also successful. Make your children educated, move them forward by connecting them with better education, and by becoming aware, move the society in the path of development. He said that the government is providing an opportunity to move forward through schemes with education. You can take advantage of these opportunities and make your identity as a conscious society. Your children will study well, if you do the job of doctor, engineer, then your financial position will be strong. Poverty will be eradicated and you will be able to live better. Minister Dr. Dahria said that public representatives will be found in the Nishad society, but the number of high positions in the job is not very high. The day you start using your struggle and fighting in good works like education, then surely you will make your sons and daughters collectors, Will be able to make SP. Minister Dr. Dahria also gave information about the work being done by the government for the promotion of Chhatigarhi culture and the development of the Ramavagaman Path. He assured all possible help for the development of the society. During this period, Municipal President Mr. Chandashekhar Chandrakar, District President Khilesh Dewangan, Councilor Mrs. Dhaneshwari Nishad, President of the society Mr. Khilvan Nishad and people of Nishad community and public representatives of the area were present.