Raipur: On the first morning of the New Year Chief Minister, with labor: Sweetened the mouth of Risali Reach workers and intimate conversation

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Honor done by distributing shawl

Said Shreemev Jayate along with Satyamev Jayate, our message
also reached Home Minister Tamradhwaj Sahu, he also made the labor of the workers sweet.

Raipur, 01 January 2021.  The Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel announced the sweetness of the first morning of the new year of the laborers of Risali, Bhilai. When the workers reached Chavadi for work in the morning, they were very excited to find the Chief Minister among them here. Then the Chief Minister made everyone’s mouth sweet, presented them a shawl and gave a warm greetings of the New Year. He said that Shramveer is our hand. They have created Chhattisgarh with their hard work. The foundation of this magnificent building which looks like development has also been prepared by the laborers and they have also built the building. It has to be elevated by our own efforts. The Chief Minister said that how to start an auspicious New Year morning, I thought the best would be to come between you. Talk to you This will be the best start for the new year for me. The Chief Minister said that the year 2020 brought huge challenges because of Corona. Many of our laborers are trapped in other states. We ensured that all laborers reach out to them. For this, coordination was also done with all the states. The arrangements for his return, then the quarantine, it was a big job. I am happy that not only the state, we also helped the workers going from our border to other states. Provided them food and provided vehicles to reach their city. I am glad that we were able to heal the wounds of their feet, He could be worn by Charan Paduka. He said that he was connected to you in the Corona era also through virtual medium and stood in your pleasant relationship. The Chief Minister said that you are our strength, with your participation, we are writing a talk for the development of our state.


The Chief Minister said that works are being done for the welfare of workers through the schemes of the Labor Department. The foundation of development is established only by the participation of farmers and workers. It is our top priority to take care of their interests and to work for them on economic growth opportunities. Continuous communication with you in this way gives us energy. Provides the power to innovate, to initiate new tasks. The Chief Minister said that Satyamev Jayate is written in our texts, Shramev Jayate is written in our BSP. Our laborers have a hand in building the country, so decided to start this morning with you. He said that English Medium School was started to make children of laborers also read English. So far 52 schools have been started. This year 100 schools will be started. Mobile clinics, Dai Didi clinics were started for health care.


On this occasion, Home Minister Shri Tamradhwaj Sahu said that it is very auspicious to start the new year with the labor workers by the Chief Minister. He said that extensive work of development has been done in Chhattisgarh in 2 years. The scale of development is our overall development. Culture has to be saved. We are all continuously working towards achieving this goal. On this occasion, Bhilai MLA Shri Devendra Yadav said that the Chief Minister decided to spend the first day today among the laborers, knowing that and seeing the Chief Minister in Bhilai, he was very happy.
The workers said that you have come among us on the first morning of the new year. We all loved it. On this occasion Bhilai MLA and Mayor Shri Devendra Yadav, former MLA Smt Pratima Chandrakar and other public representatives were present. Besides, former Divisional Commissioner Mr. TC Mahawar, IG Mr. Vivekananda Sinha, Collector Dr. Sarveshwar Narendra Bhure, SP Mr. Prashant Thakur and other officials were present on the occasion.