Raipur: Special article: Self-reliance will get basis from cow wood, strengthen economy and environment improvement

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Raipur, 30 December 2020 . The geographical area of ​​the state of Chhattisgarh is 1,35,191 square kilometers which is 4.1 percent of the country’s area. The forest area of ​​the state is about 59,772 km, which is 44 of the geographical area of ​​the state. 21 percent. The only source of oxygen is trees. Therefore our life depends on the tree itself. If trees do not exist then no living organism will exist. Urban Administration Minister Dr. Shivkumar Dahria has issued instructions to prioritize the use of cow-wood in cremation to be held under all 166 urban bodies of the state a few days ago. Incidentally, the instructions of the Urban Administration Minister came at a time when the Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) was issuing reports of huge economic losses in the northern and central Indian states due to air pollution. The ICMR has mentioned worsening air pollution in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. According to the report India State Label Disease Burden Initiative published in Lasant Planetary Health, 1 of the total GDP of the country due to air pollution. Damage equal to 4 percent is being done. This is a matter of great concern. We all have to come forward with a concrete strategy for air pollution. The steps taken by the Government of Chhattisgarh for the prevention of air pollution in time is laudable. While promoting the use of cow wood in urban areas by the urban administration will reduce air pollution, on the other hand, two trees of 20 years old will be saved from cutting down a cremation ground. This initiative will not sacrifice lakhs of trees in a year and will not have a profound impact on our economy. He is admirable. While promoting the use of cow wood in urban areas by the urban administration will reduce air pollution, on the other hand, two trees of 20 years old will be saved from cutting down a cremation ground. This initiative will not sacrifice lakhs of trees in a year and will not have a profound impact on our economy. He is admirable. While promoting the use of cow wood in urban areas by the urban administration will reduce air pollution, on the other hand, two trees of 20 years old will be saved from cutting down a cremation ground. This initiative will not sacrifice lakhs of trees in a year and will not have a profound impact on our economy.  

   By the way, there are frequent discussions about pollution. Undoubtedly, the situation of air pollution in Chhattisgarh is better than many other states, but in some districts including the city, the situation is not completely right. There is a shortage of pure air in urban areas including the industrial district. For this, it is important that we plant more and more trees and save trees from being cut down. The order issued by the Government of Chhattisgarh regarding the use of cow-wood will prove to be a milestone in the future in the direction of environmental protection and to prevent indiscriminate cutting of trees. It was the thinking of Chief Minister Mr. Bhupesh Baghel and his government members that Narva, Garwa, Model of Ghurwa Bari was prepared. Taking a step forward in this direction, the government also showed its concept by realizing it. It is a part of the government’s visionary to require the use of cow-wood and kandas made of cow dung instead of wood in the bonfire that is to be burnt in urban body areas and during the cold days.
       Gothan is currently being run in almost all the districts of the state. There are more than 6 thousand 4 hundred gothanas. Of which 322 gothanas are operational in 166 urban body areas. Apart from organic manure, many products of cow dung are being made in these plants. Gau-wood and kande are also being made in Gothan. In a total of 141 places, cow dung making machines have also been approved and in 104 places this machine has also started working. The cow dung is being used to make cow wood through the plantations under the bodies. So far, about 2800 quintal cow wood has been prepared for sale. Cow-wood made from dried cow dung is a type of wood made of cow dung. Its size is being kept wooden from one to two feet. Cow-wood is in a way the value version of Kande. With the widespread use of cow dung where new sources of alternative fuels are being developed, At the same time, new employment opportunities are also opening in the villages and cities of Chhattisgarh. Women of self-help groups are stepping into the path of self-reliance. Recently, the state’s first Godhan Emporium has also opened in Ambikapur in Surguja district, where a range of cow dung products are made. Demand for cow wood and cow dung products is also increasing in other districts of the state. In Diwali there is a demand for cow dung, pottery, decorative items.
       Gau-wood and kande prepared in the Gothan of the state can become an alternative and a major source of organic fuel. Its burning does not spread pollution and its production is also easy. Promoting the use of cow wood in place of wood in bonfires and cremation in urban body areas will accelerate the production of alternative fuels. In the urban bodies of the state, about 400 bonuses are lit at square-intersections during the cold days. Cremations are also held. In a city like Raipur, there are 12 to 30 cremations. An cremation uses an estimated 500 to 700 kg of wood. Burning wood in bonfire and cremation emits huge amounts of carbon, Which is not environmentally friendly. If we use cow wood instead of wood then cremation can be done in only 300 forts. It also does not spread pollution and the burning of cow dung also purifies the surrounding environment. Experts say that if we use cow wood instead of wood for the funeral, our expenses will also be reduced and we can save two trees of 20 years old from being cut. Deputy Chairman of Seva Samiti, an initiative working in the direction of cow service, says that it is very important to make cremation eco-friendly. Cremation from cow-wood is very easy and useful for environment. People have to change their perceptions so that we can breathe pure air. Ritesh Agarwal, who has used cow wood in many cremations till now, said that burning native ghee with cow dung wood and burning it emits pure oxygen.   
       Dung also has the property of radiation absorption. Products manufactured from it are easily mixed in nature. It is natural that cow protection will be promoted in the state by the operation of Gothan and there will be new employment options along with cow dung products. The income of cattle ranchers has also increased after the government bought cow dung at the rate of two rupees per fort. This has also given a boost to economic empowerment. Encouragement of cow wood will bring many benefits simultaneously. People engaged in its construction will earn income by selling it and the concept of green and clean Chhattisgarh will also be successful. With this effort of the government, we will get protection from animals with oxygen, medicines, soil conservationists, birds’ seating arrangement, insects, bee hives, along with trees that adapt to the environment. Increasing use as an alternative fuel will also increase its commercial use,