Raipur: Children made their unique identity with education, skill and sportsmanship: Bhupesh Baghel

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The Chief Minister gave his views on the topic of ‘education of boys and girls, sports, future’ in the monthly radio talk ‘Lokvani’

In a recorded message, the children also asked interesting child related questions related to uncle Nehru to the Chief Minister.

Uncle Nehru made the rose flower a symbol of children’s love

Proposal to start Khelo India center in Narayanpur district

Initiatives are being done for Mallakhambh Academy

Raipur, 8 November 2020. Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel said in the 12th episode of the monthly radio talk Lokvani, that the children of Chhattisgarh achieved high standards of their health, education, skills, sports skills, dedication and culture in the country and the world. Create your own distinct and distinct identity. Many schemes are being run by the state government for the good health of children, their better education, developing skills, and improving sports skills. Along with this, every possible effort is being made to save and promote the culture of Chhattisgarh. The Chief Minister today announced all the centers of AIR, F.M. In Lokvani aired on radio and regional news channels, he shared his views with children and people on the subject of ‘boys and girls studying, sports, future’.
Children of various districts of the state had recorded many questions related to studies, sports, for the 12th episode of radio talk. Since November 14 is also the birthday of Children’s Uncle Nehru with Diwali as ‘Children’s Day’, so children have interesting interesting questions related to Uncle Nehru. Why did you wear it? ‘,’ Why did uncle Nehru love rose flowers so much? ‘ To which the Chief Minister responded sequentially. At the same time, he also introduced the personality, gratitude, ideas and interesting aspects of the person of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of independent India.

Uncle Nehru made the rose flower a symbol of children’s love

At the beginning of Lokvani, the Chief Minister greeted the people of the state on the 14th of this month, including the Diwali festival, the fair of Gauri-Gaura, Govardhan Puja, Matar, Bhayuduj, Devuthani Ekadashi, Kartik Purnima, also known as Punni Mela, greetings and best wishes Proceeded. Mr. Baghel inquired about Uncle Nehru’s love for Khadi and rose flowers by Jyoti, a Class 5 student of Nek Nangar Primary School, Pusaur, Raigad, and a Class 4 student of Primary School in Odgi Development Block, Gangotri in Surajpur district. Answering questions, he said that Nehru came into contact with Gandhiji soon after returning from abroad. With the inspiration of Gandhi ji, he was a patriot, a sacrifice, He understood the importance of simplicity and freedom fight and started wearing Khadi clothes like Gandhi ji. When her daughter Indira ji plucked a fresh rose flower from the garden and applied it to Nehru ji’s kurta, she made the rose flower a symbol of children’s love, saving this feeling and love.

Nehru used to see the future of the country among the children

The Chief Minister said that Nehru ji saw the future of the country in children and believed that the more educated and healthy the children of India are, the more secure the future of the country will be. He wanted to teach the new generation with love and affection. He loved to go among the children and gave great answers to the children’s questions.

Chief Minister tells uncle Nehru’s definition of ‘Bharat Mata’ to children

The Chief Minister said that when asked Pandit Nehru, who is Bharatmata? Then they used to say that India is the home of crores of sons and daughters along with rivers, mountains, fields, barns, forests, plains. Nehru believed in pluralistic social system, that is, unity in diversity is our strength. Every person of the country, beyond caste and religion, should unite and let everyone feel India within them, live it only.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the pioneer of the freedom struggle

The Chief Minister said that dear children, you know that till 73 years ago our country was a slave of the British. Think about how our ancestors would have lived in 200 years of slavery? Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was among the leading leaders in organizing the people, leading the fight for the freedom struggle. Pandit Nehru’s father Motilal Nehru was a great lawyer and a very rich man of that era. The Nehru family was originally Kashmiri Pandit, Saraswat Kaul, There was a Brahmin family. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru did his studies in the largest institutions of the world at that time. He could have spent his life as a very big and accomplished lawyer. Born on 14 November 1889, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru entered politics at the age of 28, ie in 1917 and was imprisoned for the first time in 1922. The British sent Nehru to jail 9 times from 1922 to 1945. He remained in jail for more than three-and-a-half years, at least 12 days and maximum 1041 days. In total, he spent about 9 years of his life in British prison. Even the hard life of the jail did not deter the freedom lovers from their intentions. Nehru used to study good literature inside the jail even after being extremely tired and suffering from the torture of the jail. The books written by him in prison have been included in the great literature of the world. Glimpses of world history, my story, India is a discovery, Letters to the daughter, great men of history, father of the nation, etc. are her major published books. Jawaharlal Nehru Valley has been published in 11 volumes. Mahatma Gandhi called him his political successor due to Nehruji’s talent, dedication and ability to take everyone along. After independence, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India and continued to serve the country as Prime Minister till his death, 27 May 1964.

Pandit Nehru started the Five Year Plans for the Navnirman of the country

Regarding the contribution of former Prime Minister Pandit Nehru in the Navnirman of the country, the Chief Minister told the children that when Pandit Nehru took over as Prime Minister, India had a status as a shabby nation because everything which was here was already looted by the British. Had gone. Nehru started Five Year Plans for better utilization of limited resources so that India can be rebuilt with much thought. They were as much modern and scientific in their work as were the traditions, nurturers of nature. This is the reason that a strong structure of India was created by his distant thinking, which brought a lot of opportunities for the new generation. From farm to industry, from school to national level educational institutions like IITs, AIIMS, All the institutions till IIM are the product of Nehru’s thinking and governance. He promoted public sector industries instead of private industries. Its shining example is the Bhilai Steel Plant, which not only made steel but also made life. Education, health, employment-generating industries are unique examples of Pandit Nehru’s thinking. The saplings of knowledge planted by them later became big banyan trees and today all these institutes, whether they are agricultural universities or space institutes, all have a name in the world. Due to the working style of Pandit Nehru, India very quickly became self-sufficient in various fields. He was thinking of building modern India along with helping the poor and weaker sections. In this way, our country still needs to move forward with the ideas of Nehru ji, in which the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi are also respected and sacrifice for the country,

Chief Minister tells children interesting and informative context of uncle Nehru’s child love

The Chief Minister told the children about the interesting and enlightening episodes of Uncle Nehru’s child love, how much risk and how many problems Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru used to face during the freedom movement, but in the midst of this he wrote to his daughter through a letter The conversation continued. Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the only daughter of Pandit Nehru, was sent to boarding school at the age of 11. Nehru had deep knowledge of various subjects which he wanted to impart to his daughter. In the letters written in the year 1928, Nehruji’s history and love of nature are revealed very beautifully. These letters of Nehru have a very high place in the literature of the world. In his letter, Nehru wrote, giving an example of a small piece of stone – when you want to know the history of a gerra, you have to think about what part of the rock it must have been, how much it broke, how much it crushed, Must have flowed to you. In this way, he also gave a scientific mantra to understand the mysteries of nature. A small snag, which you see lying on the road or under a mountain, may be a small page in the book of the world, perhaps it will reveal something new to you. The condition is that you know how to read it. To learn a language, Urdu, Hindi or English, you have to learn its characters. Similarly, first you will have to read the letters of nature, only then you will be able to read his story from the book of stones and rocks. To learn Hindi or English, you have to learn its characters. Similarly, first you will have to read the letters of nature, only then you will be able to read his story from the book of stones and rocks. To learn Hindi or English, you have to learn its characters. Similarly, first you will have to read the letters of nature, only then you will be able to read his story from the book of stones and rocks.

Information about the interesting aspects of Nehru’s book ‘daughter’s name letter’

The Chief Minister said in Lokvani that dear children, I feel that I should read some things of this book to you. He wrote – When you stay with me, I often ask me a lot of things and I try to answer them. But now, when you are in Mussoorie and I in Allahabad, the two of us cannot talk like that. That’s why I have intended that sometimes you should write short stories of this world and those big and small countries which are in this world. If you are fond of knowing the condition of this world, then you will have to take care of all the countries and all the nations that are inhabited by it, not just the one country in which you were born. The world is one and the other people who inhabit it are our brothers and sisters. We have to see what are the characteristics of our rituals and try to save them, Those evils have to be removed. If we find any good thing in other countries, then it must be taken. We are Hindustani and we have to live in India and work for its good. But we should not forget that we have relatives and relatives living in other parts of the world. What a good thing it would have been if all the men of the world were happy and happy. We should try to make the whole world where people can live peacefully. Now you will say that it is not easy to understand the meaning of civilization, and that is fine. This is a very difficult matter. Good buildings, good pictures and books, and a variety of other beautiful things are definitely the hallmarks of civilization, but a good man who is not selfish and works with others for the good of all, by this civilization There is also a big identity. And that’s fine. This is a very difficult matter. Good buildings, good pictures and books, and a variety of other beautiful things are definitely the hallmarks of civilization, but a good man who is not selfish and works with others for the good of all, by this civilization There is also a big identity. And that’s fine. This is a very difficult matter. Good buildings, good pictures and books, and a variety of other beautiful things are definitely the hallmarks of civilization, but a good man who is not selfish and works with others for the good of all, by this civilization There is also a big identity.

Nehru wanted to take the children on the path of truth and goodness

Nehru wrote in a letter to his daughter Indira that it is the best thing to work together for the good of all. You only know that the story of Rama and Sita in Ramayana and the battle with King Ravana of Lanka is described. The Mahabharata was written long after this. It has that invaluable Grantha gem, which is called Bhagavad Gita. Even after so many days, these books are still alive, children read them and they take preaching from them. The Chief Minister said in Lokvani that dear children, imagine how generous they were. Wanted the welfare of the whole world and also thought that we should find and play our role in it. Dear children, Notice how Nehru wanted to take the children on the path of truth and goodness. I have seen many children who are happy to feed their share of tiffin to another child. I have seen many children show how much love and compassion they have towards a poor child. When another child or a friend of theirs is hungry, If we are suffering from sickness or any discrimination, our beloved children persuade their parents to help them. During the lockdown in Corona era, how many such instances came to the fore when our beloved children saved their pocket money and donated the amount to the Chief Minister’s aid fund to help the needy or to help the poor around them Spent for I do not think that there will not be a child in any house who has not done any work for the benefit of anyone by hiding it from his parents. This proves that God resides in the minds of children. This proves how pure the mind of children is. I congratulate the lovely children for such courage and noble deeds. Taking any one name will not do justice, so I congratulate all the children for doing such noble deeds. I appeal to all parents that you may have limited resources, But when your child’s hand moves to help someone, do not stop him. Understand a little lack-basedness according to the circumstances and decide accordingly. But this feeling of children is alive and they feel this happiness, it is very important to maintain this environment. If children have compassion, then the society will also be very beautiful.

In response to the questions asked by the children, the Chief Minister said that free education has been arranged in Chhattisgarh up to class XII. In connection with the Games, the Chief Minister informed that a proposal to start Khelo India Center in Narayanpur district has been sent to the Government of India. Arrangement of necessary materials is being made by providing land for Mallakhamba Academy. The Chief Minister said in Lokvani that I was very happy to see the health of children and this happiness. Blossoming childhood is our greatest achievement. We would like the children of Chhattisgarh to create a separate identity for their health, education, skills, sportsmanship, dedication, samskara. You will note that during the Coronasal period we were giving dry rations to children in schools and we have started giving hot food in Anganwadis. Our plans and innovations will continue in this direction. Once again Happy Diwali and Children’s Day.