Raipur: 6.81 lakh people returned to Chhattisgarh during Corona period completed quarantine period in centers built in Gram Panchayats: More than 21 and a half thousand quarantine centers were built across the state for migrant workers

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All basic facilities, including accommodation and food, were provided, immediate investigation was done of potential patients of Corona.

These quarantine centers helped in preventing the spread of corona infection

Raipur. 18 October 2020. Quarantine centers set up in gram panchayats for migrant workers returning to Chhattisgarh in large numbers from various parts of the country have been of great help in preventing the spread of corona infection. For this, 21 thousand 580 quarantine centers were built by the Panchayat and Rural Development Department in collaboration with the district administration. Six lakh 80 thousand 665 people who returned to the state during the Corona period have reached their homes after successfully completing the quarantine period in these centers. These people have also seriously followed the instructions to stay in home-quarantine for the next ten days after completing the quarantine period in order to protect themselves and other villagers’ health.

The quarantine centers set up in the villages were operated and controlled by the district administration concerned. Gram Panchayats, Janpad Panchayats and Zilla Panchayats also took active part in their operation. The migrant laborers residing in the quarantine centers set up in the gram panchayats were provided with all basic facilities including housing and food. Temporary toilets, separate bathrooms for men and women, clean drinking water, lights and wings were also arranged there. For the entertainment of the people, many creative activities were being conducted there along with television and radio arrangements. Yoga and Pranayama were also practiced to increase immunity. Their mental health was also taken care of through activities like tree plantation, painting, sports, reading and reading.


Emphasis was also laid on adherence to Corona infection prevention guidelines along with better sanitation in quarantine centers. Along with soap and water, hand-sanitizer was also made available for frequent hand washing. Masks and skirts were also given to cover the mouth. In case of emergencies such as a corona infected person, a room in each center was kept separately for isolation by the local administration. The health of the people living in the quarantine centers was constantly monitored in collaboration with the Department of Health. Unhealthy people were also provided with treatment and medicines. Immediate samples of individuals with the possibility and symptoms of infection were sent for examination.  

Panchayat and Rural Development Minister Shri T.S. On the instructions of Singhdev, the department has taken quick steps to provide employment to migrant workers under MNREGA by making them job cards, as well as providing them employment through other schemes. Serious efforts are also being made by the local administration to make them work in industrial, building construction and other areas by skill-mapping the workers.