Raipur: Farmers are being encouraged to grow sugarcane

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    Raipur, 16 October 2020. Farmers of Vananchal are earning extra income by producing paddy in their fields as well as producing greens and vegetables in Bari for additional income. To make the farmers economically prosperous, the Agriculture Department is talking about modern technology farming. So that the farmers residing in remote areas can earn good income by farming with modern technology.
    Sugarcane is being cultivated by farmers in an area of ​​71 hectares under the Mineral Trust Fund item under the Pilot Project in the garden development block of Jashpur district. Sugarcane crop has been planted on 1.6 hectare in the farm of Shri Bhatasay, farmer of Patrapara village of Kiskhand. Sugarcane crop has been planted on 0.800 hectare in one hectare field of Mr. Amrit Ram of Jujagu and in the field of Mr. Symptom farmer of Goodlu village.
    According to the information received from the Agriculture Department, for the first time, polybag cane is being produced on a total of 71 hectare as a model in the development garden of the cash crop sugarcane from the Mineral Trust Fund. Plantation work has been done after polybag cane demonstration has been approved in collaboration with district administration. Due to which the farmers will get fair price for the crop and their income will increase with improvement in the economic condition of the farmers.