Raipur: Chief Secretary RP Mandal inspected the beautification work of the old pond: Instructions to complete the work in timeframe

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 Raipur, 12 October 2020. Chief Secretary  R.R. Mandal has directed to complete the work on time limit after inspecting the works conducted under the old pond beautification work. He arrived today to inspect the beautification work going on in the old pond. During this, he extensively supervised all the works and Raipur Smart City Ltd. Directed the officers and work agency to complete the work expeditiously keeping in mind the deadline. Chairman of Chhattisgarh Housing Board, Shri Kuldeep Juneja, Mayor Mr. Ejaz Dhebar, Collector Dr. S. Bharatidasan and Municipal Commissioner Mr. Saurabh Kumar were also present during the visit of Chief Secretary Mr. Mandal.