Raipur: The new agriculture laws of the central government will protect the interests of the farmers of Chhattisgarh in a hurry: A new law will be made to protect the interests of the poor, workers and consumers.

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Meeting of high power committee of five member ministers concluded

    Raipur, 12 October 2020. A meeting of the Cabinet High Power Committee was held today under the chairmanship of Agriculture Minister Shri Ravindra Chaubey on the new agrarian reforms and labor laws brought by the Central Government. In this meeting, how can the laws and the laws brought by the central government protect the effects and interests of the poor, laborers and consumers of Chhattisgarh. There was intense discussion in this regard.

    There was also preliminary discussion on legislating through the Legislative Assembly to protect the interests of the people of Chhattisgarh from the new laws introduced by the Central Government in the High Power Committee. The Agriculture Minister said that agriculture is the subject of the state government in the Constitution. The state government has the right to make laws on this. He said that under the leadership of Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Baghel, the State Government is constantly taking steps to protect the interests of farmers. The interests of farmers will not be ignored. Shri Choubey said that if the state’s agriculture law affects the paddy procurement system in the state, then a new law will be made for farmers to buy paddy. Law and Transport Minister Mr. Mohammad Akbar, Urban Administration and Labor Minister Dr. Shiv Kumar Dahria, Cooperative Minister Dr. Prem Sai Singh Tekam, Food and Consumer Protection Minister Mr. Amarjeet Bhagat and Secretary of the concerned departments were also present.

        In the discussions, members of the High Power Committee said that with the new laws of the Central Government, inflation will increase with the increase of control of the capitalists in the agricultural system. Paddy procurement in support price and universal PDS system will also affect the distribution of rice to the poor in one rupee. The condition of the farmers will be similar to that of laborers in their own fields, so there is a need to protect farmers, consumers and laborers from these laws. It was also agreed in the meeting that for the protection of the interests of Chhattisgarh, a law should be made within the purview of the constitution, for which a special session of the Legislative Assembly should be called.

    The effects on the workers and the poor were discussed. In the discussion, how to protect the interests of farmers of Chhattisgarh, especially small and medium farmers, in the presence of big companies and corporate people in the agricultural sector. In order to protect their interests, what are the provisions to be made in the event of a law being made in Chhattisgarh. Farmers do not have experience of selling their goods across the country. In such a situation, how can the interests of farmers be protected? The High Power Committee emphasized that the farmers of the state should not face any problem in the purchase and sale of their produce. They should get a fair price for the produce. The meeting also discussed the adverse effects on poor consumers due to unlimited capacity of storage under the Essential Commodities Act. The members of the committee emphasized that the essential goods are readily available to the consumers and at the right price.

    Contract farming in the meeting did not change the physical nature of the land, how to use ground water and electricity. How should the state rule over traders? How much land should be taken together for contract farming. Discussions were made regarding what provisions could be made for these in the schedule area. Similarly, how to help farmers in case of any dispute between small farmers and companies through contract farming. In which format should we get information from big companies and traders. What will be the nature of electronic trading? The committee members gave suggestions on all the subjects to protect the interests of the farmers by making provisions of the Mandi Act and how the farmers can be saved from being misled by middlemen.

    In the meeting of the High Power Committee, changes in the labor law of the Central Government were also discussed. Various issues were discussed, including what should be done by the factory owners, institutions and in the interest of the workers. On this occasion, Dr. M.M. Geeta, Food Secretary Dr. Kamalpreet Singh, Cooperative Secretary Mr. R. Prasanna, Secretary Labor Mr. Anbalagan P., Principal Secretary of Law Department Mr. NK Chandravanshi and Labor Commissioner Mr. LX Menon, Managing Director Mandi Board Mr. Himshak Gupta and senior including Officers were present.