Raipur: Chhattisgarh Government is continuously increasing facilities for journalists: Process of Journalist Protection Act in final stage

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Senior Media Personnel Samman Nidhi has been increased from 5 thousand rupees to 10 thousand rupees every month, provision for preferential also for development level journalists

The limit of financial assistance from Journalist Welfare Fund has been increased from 50 thousand to two lakhs, the Labor Department issued an order, the retirement age of journalists increased from 60 to 62 years.

Raipur. 10 October 2020. The Government of Chhattisgarh is continuously providing better facilities for journalists. By amending the eligibility and provisions of the facilities provided by the Public Relations Department, more and more journalists are being brought under their purview. The process of framing Journalist Security Act is also in the final stage. For the welfare of journalists, the government has increased the Senior Media Worker Samman Nidhi from Rs 5000 to Rs 10,000 per month. The preferential rules have also been amended to make preferential provision for development level journalists. The limit of financial assistance to the needy journalists has been increased from Rs. 50 thousand to Rs. 2 lakh from Journalist Welfare Fund. The labor department of the state government has issued an order to increase their retirement age from 60 years to 62 years in the interest of journalists.

To give recognition to working journalists in the state as working journalists and to facilitate their work, new preferential rules have been implemented a year ago. Given the changing nature of media, TV Provision has also been made to give preference to journalists of channels, web-portals, news magazines and news agency. The preference quota for media institutions has almost doubled. Under the new rules, for the first time in the state, a provision has also been made for the development level journalists. Also, long-term service journalist preference has been introduced for retired journalists who have been in this profession for a long time. As a result of the new preference rules, there are currently 233 state level and 287 district level preferential journalists.

In the last year extensive changes have been made in the rules of Journalist Welfare Fund to increase the scope of helping journalists in the treatment of critical illness, economic crisis in old age, divine calamity. Under the new rules, now the limit of financial aid has been increased from Rs 50 thousand to two lakh rupees. Also, provision of financial assistance on loss of camera and other equipment during news coverage in odd situations like riots, floods has been added to the new rule. In the last two years, financial assistance of more than Rs. 41 lakh has been provided to 49 journalists of the state.

Along with doubling the amount of senior media personnel Samman Nidhi, the eligibility conditions have been relaxed to bring more journalists under its purview. Whereas earlier five thousand rupees were given every month under the scheme, now it has been increased to ten thousand rupees. The age limit for eligibility has also been reduced from 62 years to 60 years. Earlier, the eligibility of journalists involved in this scheme was reviewed every five years. Under the new rules, the provision of review has been discontinued and now made life-long. An honorarium fund of ten thousand rupees is being given every month to journalists involved in the scheme from October-2019. As a result of senior media personnel Samman Nidhi scheme, two years ago, where eight senior journalists were getting the benefit of the scheme, now this number has increased to 23.

Chhattisgarh Journalist Security Act is being prepared by the state government to help in fearless and impartial journalism. For this, a committee has been formed under the chairmanship of Justice Aftab Alam, retired judge of the Supreme Court. The 12-member committee of retired High Court judges, senior advocate of the Supreme Court, senior journalist and advocate general, prepared the first draft of the law in the month of November-2019 by incorporating the opinion of journalists, journalists organizations and common citizens of the state. Have done Right now online suggestions are being received on its second format, on the basis of which this law will be finalized. Rapid work is being done towards the framing of Journalist Security Act.