Raipur: State mourning declared on 4th October in the state on the death of Mr. Sheikh Sabah, emir of Kuwait.

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Raipur, 04 October 2020.The state government has declared a day of state mourning on October 4, following the death of Mr. Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jabar Al Sabah, emir of Kuwait in compliance with the instructions of the central government . The emir of Kuwait died on 29 September. 

 During the state mourning, where the national flag is hoisted regularly in all government buildings and other places in the state, the national flag will be half-tilted and no entertainment and cultural programs will be held at the government level during this period. Secretary of General Administration Department Shri DD Singh has issued instructions to all departments, president, revenue board, all department heads, all commissioners, collectors in this regard and directed them to follow them