Raipur: Contemporary advice to farmers for protection of crops

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Information given to farmers for prevention of pest and diseases.

Raipur, 03 October 2020.  The Kharif season in the state has been given necessary advice to the farmers by the Agriculture Department for the safety of the Kharif crops and prevention of pests. The agriculture department has said that due to adequate rainfall in the current kharif season, the paddy crop is expected to yield well. Due to untimely rains and humid weather in some districts of the state, complaints of pest and disease outbreaks have been received since last days. In view of the current weather conditions, the farmers have been advised to adopt the following measures to control various pests and diseases.

Giving information about the protection of crops from Peniculate Mite micro-organism, the Agriculture Department has said that due to its infestation, grains and earrings become discolored in the plant. Earrings are fed due to non-filling of milk in the grains. The grains become discolored and appear like brown spots. This organism sucks the juice of the earrings, it is not visible from the normal eyes, it is hidden under the sheaths of plants in large numbers. For its control, proporite at the rate of 25 ml per sprayer of 57 per cent and ethion at 50 per cent and cyper methrin at 30 per cent and propiconazole 25 per cent at 30 ml. Spraying at the rate per sprayer is recommended in the morning or evening.

Similarly, brown rice disease problem is seen in paddy crop. Brown mahoe is a very harmful pest of paddy, which causes very fast damage by sucking the juice from the paddy stem. Due to its presence in the environment, the outbreak of brown months increases. Medium to long term ripening varieties cause more damage. Plants with outbreaks of brown moths appear yellow or brown in round circles and dry up. This insect suck the juice by sticking to the plants above the water surface. For control of brown moths, Neem oil is supplied to the farmer with 2500 ppm. Should be sprayed with 1 liter per acre or imidachloropid 17.8 S.L. 25 ml Per acre or dinotefurone 20 percent S.G. Spraying at the rate of 60 grams per acre is advised on crops and bunds.

The Department of Agriculture has stated that sheath blight is a fungal disease. This is due to lack of proper management of the crop. In a field where water is stored continuously for a long time, paddy is spread from the grass grown on moist weather and rams. Slowly the disease spreads throughout the crop. The earrings of paddy crop affected by this disease turn black. Sheath blight outbreaks first occur in the paddy stem. Black spots appear in the stem. To control this, the farmers must drain excess water in the field, immediately spraying fungicide drugs such as Carbendazim in 500 gm / 500 liters of water as required.

Similarly, bacterial leaf blight disease is widely seen in paddy. In this disease, the leaves of paddy crop grow yellow or para-colored and above or below one or both the edges and eventually dry up. When there is more outbreak, the entire plant gets dried up. In case of symptoms of this disease, spraying of copper caper oxychloride at the rate of 25-30 ml per sprayer or agromycin 100 gm solution in 500 liters of water is recommended to be sprayed 2 to 3 times at an interval of 10 to 12 days. Has been given. Farmer brothers have been asked to immediately inform the agriculture extension officer of their area about the pest and disease in the crops. Farmers have been asked to use only the recommended amount of medicines to monitor their crops continuously and to prevent pest-disease outbreaks.