Raipur: Self-reliant India campaign opened new doors of opportunity in India’s renewable energy sector: Ms. Uike

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Governor attends webinar of energy security conference organized by Global Counter Terrorism Council. 

Raipur, 30 September 2020. The Self-Reliant India Campaign has opened up new avenues of opportunities in India’s renewable energy sector. If we bring self-sufficiency in this area then it will also provide employment to people and it will also strengthen the economy. The ancient economic system of India was entirely based on and based on nature. The importance of harmony with nature has always been here. Along with this, the importance of water, land and forest and their proper use were learned. Today, the biggest challenge and opportunity before India is to present itself in a global role in order to tie the world together in the field of renewable energy. Let us take advantage of this opportunity and place our country at the highest position. This was stated by Governor Ms. Anusuiya Uike. She was addressing the webinar series of the Energy Security Conference organized by the Global Counter Terrorism Council today.

The governor said that the whole world has been battling the corona epidemic for some months. Soon we will conquer Kovid, then after that we will find that the picture of the world will be completely different. Today, India is the largest democratic country in the world. India can emerge as a global leader and the world is also looking towards it. In the last few years, per capita energy consumption in India has increased. The capacity of thermal power house has also increased due to increase in power consumption. Due to this, carbon emissions are also increasing year after year. In this situation the possibilities in the field of renewable energy are increasing.

The Governor said that if we talk about energy, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has called for self-reliance. This dependency will be in every region. It is necessary to have energy to become self-sufficient. Ms. Uike said that the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, at the Global Renewable Energy Conference of 2018, called for all countries of the world to work together, emphasizing the importance of solar energy. In the first meeting of the International Solar Alliance held in the year 2018, ‘One World, One Sun, Introduced the concept of ‘a grid’. The objective was to establish and share the supply balance in renewable energy all over the world through a green grid. With this system electricity can be supplied seven days and 24 hours. This concept presented by our country is a big step towards promoting renewable energy and it also indicates that India will move towards self-sufficiency through such a concept as well as lead the world in energy. Will do.

He said that India has made a lot of achievements in the field of solar energy and it is also estimated that by the year 2020, India will generate 175 GW of green energy and by 2030 it will reach 450 GW. India is looking forward to become the head of the world in the field of renewable energy. Renewable energy, in which solar energy, wind energy, etc. are being used somewhere in our country.

The Governor said that there is huge potential in the country in the field of solar energy. Solar energy is prevalent in our country and it is completely environmentally safe. We are joining the top countries of the world in the field of solar energy, this is a good achievement. But this achievement is not enough. We have to import important equipment of solar plants like solar cells, polysilicon etc. from other countries. Special discounts are being given by the Government of India to encourage setting up of solar plants under the Make in India campaign. I urge that our entrepreneurs in this field come forward and set up solar energy based enterprises, this will enable them to produce more and more solar energy and also provide employment to the youth in the coming time.

In this webinar, former Governor Mr. Shekhar Dutt, Chairman and Managing Director of NEEPCO Limited Mr. Vinod Kumar Singh, ONGC Director (Investigation) of Shri Rajesh Kumar Srivastava, P.T.C. Managing Director and CEO of India Financial Services Limited Mr. Pawan Singh, Chief Energy Strategist and Managing Director of Rajasthan State Gas Limited Mr. Sanjeev Pathak, NHPC Ltd. Director (Project) Mr. Ratish Kumar, Co-founder and CEO of Mitket Global Consulting Pvt. Mr. Pawan Desai, Managing Editor of NewsPlus Mr. Siddharth Jharabi joined.