Narayanpur: Dr. Alok Shukla inspected bamboo craft center operated in the district

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The women of the group making the washing powder asked the preparation method and market availability.

Narayanpur 27 September 2020. Principal Secretary, School Education Department, Dr. Alok Shukla visited the Bamboo Craft Center operated by the Handicrafts Development Board at District Headquarters Narayanpur during his stay in Narayanpur. To make the local tribals financially competent, the Bamboo Center should be made aware of the work being done by the Bamboo Craft Center operated at the district headquarters. During this time, he had intimate conversations with the artisans working there and inquired about the raw materials for the bamboo artefacts prepared by them, market for sale, wages received, income etc. He observed and praised many different materials prepared by artisans in bamboo crafts. Dr. Shukla inquired about its marketing from the Manager, Handicraft Development Board, Mr. JL Marawi. Mr. Marawi informed that at present the bamboo craft center is being sold to people from outside and outside the district through online shopping site Amazon and Show Room. Dr. Shukla inquired about the Bamboo Crafts Center’s attractive crafts and affordable household decorative items for their availability online. He discussed in detail about the time taken to manufacture materials, wages received, income from construction, market availability, etc.

Principal Secretary Dr. Shukla reached Belgaum and Kochwahi to reach the washing powder manufacturing site being made by the women’s group and inquired about the method and market availability for making washing powder. Chief Executive Officer, District Panchayat Shri Rahul Dev informed about the activities of the women’s group.