Child porn uploader caught on social media, police arrested three including two middle-aged

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Bilaspur September 22, 2020. The Sarakanda police have arrested three accused for uploading indecent photos and videos of children and women on social media. Two of the accused arrested are more than middle-aged.

The Sarakanda Police has taken this action on the basis of information from NCRB Delhi. The NCRB team wrote a letter to the Bilaspur police for action against those who uploaded pornographic photos and videos of children and women on social media. Based on the IP address given in the letter by the NCRB team, the police started registering offenses against the three accused under Section 67A, 67B IT Act and started searching for the accused.

Police arrested the three accused in the case (1) AN Tiwari father Vashisht Tiwari age 58 years resident Bandhavapara (2) Krishna Suryavanshi father Jawahar Suryavanshi 48 years resident Bandhavapara (3) Rahul Soni father Sanjay Soni age 21 resident Chantidih Sarakanda and questioned him did. In the police interrogation, the accused have admitted uploading child pornography material from their mobiles. According to the police, the accused uploaded child pornography videos and photos from their mobile phones on social media Facebook and Instagram.

On the information of NCRB, tell you, about a dozen accused have been arrested in the state so far in the case of child pornography. They were accused of uploading child porn to social media.