Kawardha: On the basis of Girdawari, all the information can be uploaded on the departmental website, till September 28, in the concerned tehsil office, claim-objection

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Kawardha, 20 September 2020. Information about the landowner’s name, area of ​​land and crop details being taken on the revenue records in respect of each land on the basis of Girdawari for the agricultural year 2020 -21 season Kharif in the district, Departmental Revenue Department of Revenue https: // The option available under the civic facility of revenue-cg-nic-in / bhuiyanreport has been made available online through village wise, landowner, crop wise coverage report. If any person has any objection in relation to the above entries, then he can submit it to the concerned Tehsil office by 28 September 2020. Claim received – After the objection is resolved, the final publication will be done by 14 October 2020.