hief Minister Vishnudev Sai inaugurated the three-day youth festival at the Science College ground in the capital Raipur. During this, Deputy CM Arun Saw, Vijay Sharma, former Chief Minister and Assembly Speaker Raman Singh and Sports Minister Tankaram Verma are present with him.
Deputy CM Vijay Sharma told about the new education policy that it has been implemented in Chhattisgarh and special steps have been taken for the development of youth. He also said that the government is working to inspire the IT sector and a new IT hub is going to be ready in Chhattisgarh soon. Apart from this, the state government has also taken many initiatives to promote sports, including a plan to create sports infrastructure by Sports Minister Tank Ram Verma.
He also informed that the youth of Chhattisgarh who had gone to Delhi met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and he wished for a bright future for the youth. He believesAt the beginning of the Yuva Mahotsav program at the Science College ground, CM Sai directly interacted with the youth and answered their questions. that the youth will play an important role in building a developed Chhattisgarh.
First Day
On the first day of the festival, after the dialogue between the Chief Minister and the youth of the state, famous artists of the country and the state will give a performance. The main attraction in this will be the drama “Main Ayodhya Hoon” on the construction of Shri Ram temple. And through an excellent laser show, the story of a decade in the development of India will be displayed.
Second Day
On the second day of the festival on January 13, 2025, there will be a dialogue between the youth and ‘Super 30 fame’ Anand Kumar Sir. Along with this, there will be a performance by Dayara Band of “Aisa Jadoo Hai Mere Bastar Mein”. On all three days of January 12, 13 and 14, young artist participants from across the state will showcase various cultural, intellectual development and traditional genres such as folk dance, folk song, story writing, painting, oratory, poetry, science fair, handicrafts, textile, agricultural products and rock band.
Third Day
On the third day of the festival, i.e. on Tuesday, January 14, on the occasion of Makar Sankranti, the Governor of the state will distribute prizes to the winning participants in the State Youth Festival and conclude the program. Along with this, he will also participate in the “Youth Poets Meet” along with renowned poet Dr. Kumar Vishwas and local poets. After the program, the safe return of all the participants will be ensured.