Raipur. Vishnudev government of Chhattisgarh had started Mahtari Vandan Yojana for women, which is benefiting lakhs of women of the state. Similarly, now taking one more step towards making women self-reliant, ‘Mahatari Shakti Loan Scheme’ has been started. On Saturday, Finance Minister OP Choudhary launched this scheme with State Rural Bank Chairman Vinod Arora.
Finance Minister OP Chaudhary has also shared a picture of the launch of ‘Mahatari Shakti Loan Scheme’ on his official X account, in the caption of which he wrote – “I am very happy to launch the ‘Mahatari Shakti Loan Scheme’ with the Chairman of the State Rural Bank, Mr. Vinod Arora. Under this, the sisters who have an account in the rural bank and the amount of Mahtari Vandan Yojana is deposited in it, will get a loan of up to 25 thousand for self-employment without any formality. The honor and respect of mothers and sisters is increasing.”