Thanks to the health department, the committee on whose report Mokshit Corporation carried out the loot is out of the investigation!

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Raipur. The committee, due to whose report the public money was looted by Mokshit Corporation, the state’s treasury was emptied, due to which the health system has collapsed at present, has not been harmed at all. No action has been taken against this committee, nor has it been put under investigation. Questions are being raised aboAccording to information received from sources, the Directorate of Health Services had constituted a five-member committee on 15-05-23, whose responsibility was to conduct tests regarding purchase and supply. The committee includes Deputy Director Directorate of Health Services Dr Anil Parasai, Pathology Specialist District Hospital Raipur Dr P Maheshwari, Pathology Specialist District Hospital Raipur Dr Satyanarayan Pandey, Senior Lab Technician Hamar Lab Raipur Prakash Sahu and Chhattisgarh Medical Services Corporation Raipur Kshiroud Rautia.ut the leniency of the health department towards this committee

IMA raised the question

IMA President Dr Rakesh Gupta said that a committee of specialist doctors is formed for purchase. This committee decides how much to buy and how much is required. The procedure for purchasing reagents in the state has not been followed. The demand used to be sought from the districts, but it has not been procured. Purchase has been made by creating a demand from the state. The specialist doctors of the purchase committee are as responsible as others.

Why out of the radar of the investigation committee?

A committee of seven specialist doctors had decided that the agents would be purchased for about Rs 400 crore. The purchase was made on their proposal, but then why is this not under the purview of the committee’s investigation?

There was no provision for state level purchase

In Chhattisgarh, the right to purchase reagents was given to the districts. But for the first time, a state-level demand was made without seeking proposals from the districts.

If it is missing, we will check it

Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal said that instructions were given for a comprehensive investigation. If this point is also outside the scope of the investigation, then we will include this point in the investigation. The investigation is still in process, so I cannot say much about it.

Specialist doctors will be responsible

Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal said that whenever medicines, chemicals, machines are purchased in the health department, before this a team of specialist doctors is formed and a proposal is taken from them, after that further action is taken, purchase is done on the basis of their proposal. If there is any irregularity in this then the team of specialist doctors will be responsible.

This is how the division of wealth has happened

Sources in the health department say that Mokshit Corporation takes tenders in its own and many other names and supplies to the health department. Investigation has revealed that reagents for testing heart, liver, pancreas, ammonia level and heart attack have been supplied to CSC-PSCs located in Urla, Bhanpuri, Birgaon, Mandirhasaud and Abhanpur in the outer areas of Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh, whereas these tests are not done at PSCs.

Not only this, where it has been supplied, the necessary equipment and machines for testing are not available. Now the question is that if the equipment is not available then why was the reagent supplied? There are many government hospitals where reagents worth crores of rupees have been dumped just to use them.

Super specialist doctors treat patients

Health department officials said that only super specialist doctors prescribe liver function tests. Adenosine DM image reagent has been sent to the primary health center. Liver function is tested with this reagent. The facility for this test is also not available in any of the outer or small health centers of the city. Despite this, it has been sent here.

Checking up in the ICU

According to the health department, LDLB liver function tests are done only in ICU. Despite this, serum lipase reagent has also been supplied on a large scale. Similarly, magnesium serum test is also required only for patients admitted in ICU. This too has been supplied and consumed in small hospitals.

Opinion of health experts

When information was sought from experts and experts of the health department, it was found that there are some tests which are conducted only by super specialist doctors. If any abnormality is found in the initial tests in primary health centers, then patients are referred from smaller centers to the super specialty Ambedkar Hospital. Only super specialty or Ambedkar hospitals have the equipment and machines for testing.

Supply even where there is no need

As per the need of the doctor, major tests related to stomach, heart, liver, kidney are done. It is surprising that MBBS doctors have been posted in small health centers. These doctors only get general tests like blood sugar, hemoglobin done. If any problem is found in them, they send the patients to big hospitals. In such a situation, there is no need for major tests like liver, kidney in small government hospitals.

There was no information about what was to be sent where

Ammonia reagent has also been supplied in large quantities to the health centres in the city and the outskirts. Ammonia level is tested with this reagent. This test is also prescribed by super specialist doctors who are not even posted in the PSC. The equipment to test it is also not available in the lab. Cardiac marker is used in case of heart attack. The facility to test it is also not available in the PSC. Despite this, cardiac marker reagent worth lakhs has been supplied. Similarly, serum mileage has also been sent on a large scale for stomach tests.

No machine but sent chemicals

Blood thickness i.e. blood clotting – Tea timer reagent was used to check the thickness of blood during Covid. It showed whether the blood was clotting or not. No primary health centre had the facility to check this. Even the essential equipment like biochemistry analyser was not available, yet it was supplied in bulk. Similarly, blood was supplied to 776 primary health centres of the state, out of which more than 350 primary health centres did not have any technical, manpower and storage facilities.

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