Chaturmas discourse in Jain Dadabari: Your feelings should be so intense that every ritual becomes successful – Virag Muni

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Raipur. Going on a pilgrimage has become like tourism for people today. Religious centers are becoming picnic spots. Bring about awakening of religion within you. Dedication should be such that life should not leave the body until the work is completed. Believe me, all those works which you would not have even thought of will be completed. These words were said by Virag Muni Maharaj Sahab in the Chaturmasik discourse being held under the holy presence of Shri Vinay Kushal Muniji Maharaj Sahab at Jain Dadabari on MG Road.He said that today there is a competition to collect more and more. Jainism has the principle of Aparigraha. That is, keep only as much as you need. Sadhus and Sadhvis will have a bundle in the name of property. Apart from two pairs of clothes, all the things related to religion and meditation will be found in it. Religion is their capital. Similarly, you should also make religion your capital. Every ritual should be so intense that it becomes successful

It would be better to concentrate on religion rather than dying in agony

Munishri said, when the body is healthy, we remain engaged in worldly activities. We are bound by karma all our life. When old age comes, we are not able to stand properly, we cannot see clearly, then the thought of doing religion comes. We should remain equanimous in happiness and sorrow in our youth itself. All this is a game of sin and virtue. If we leave love and hatred, then surely the soul will be blessed. The soul will become God.

Royal Parana tomorrow under the great Siddhi Tapa

Chairman of the Chaturmas Committee Paras Parikh and Treasurer Anil Duggad told that in the great Siddhi Tapa going on at Dadabari, the Shahi Parana of the five-day fast will take place with great pomp and show at the Shahi Parana House on Wednesday. The first fast of the fourth series will begin from Thursday. He told that 100 Shravaks and Shravikaas are participating in this great penance. Apart from this, many other big penances like Masakhman are going on. Basant Lodha and Ramesh Jain told that in the sequence of Dada Gurudev Ektisa Jaap, there will be a performance by the famous singer of Raipur, Naveen ji Chopra, every day from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm and in the night, Prabhu Bhakti will be performed.