Raipur: 1.12 lakh applications received across the state during public problem resolution fortnight, 45 thousand resolved on the spot

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A large number of people attended the camps organized during the fortnight, citizens got quick solutions

On the instructions of Deputy Chief Minister Shri Arun Sao, public problem resolution camps were organized in all urban bodies from 27 July to 10 August

Shri Saav himself visited many camps and saw the arrangements

Raipur. 12 August 2024


People have given a good response to the Jan Samasya Nivaran Pakhwada conducted from 27 July to 10 August in all the urban bodies of the state. During the fortnight, a total of one lakh 12 thousand applications were received in the camps organized across the state, out of which about 45 thousand applications were resolved on the spot. After sending the applications related to other departments to the concerned department, the remaining applications are being examined and action is being taken for their speedy resolution. During the Jan Samasya Nivaran Pakhwada, Deputy Chief Minister and Urban Administration and Development Minister Shri Arun Sao had instructed the commissioners of all municipal corporations and chief municipal officers of municipalities and Nagar Panchayats as well as regional joint directors to resolve as many applications as possible on the spot. He himself had inspected many camps and seen the arrangements.  

15 thousand 700 applications related to Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana were received in the public problem resolution camps organized in all 184 urban bodies of the state, out of which 1200 were resolved immediately. Action was taken at the camp site itself for approval of new houses to the beneficiaries as per their eligibility, resolution of errors in housing applications, payment of instalments and speedy completion of incomplete houses. Out of 4500 applications related to drinking water problem, 700 were resolved in the camp itself. During this period, as per people’s demand and complaints, problems related to new tap connections, extension of pipeline, repair of pipeline leakage, drinking water supply were resolved.

During the Jan Samasya Nivaran Pakhwada, complaints related to door-to-door garbage collection, drain cleaning, water drainage and cleanliness were resolved promptly. Out of 1500 applications related to garbage collection and lifting, 700 were resolved at the camp site itself by the team of urban bodies. The problems faced in social security pension of the destitute were resolved as soon as possible and the pension amount was provided. Out of 1950 applications received for social security pension, 550 applications were resolved immediately at the body level. The process of testing the remaining applications is underway.

In the camps organized in urban bodies, out of 14 thousand 500 applications related to road and drain repair and construction work, 600 applications were immediately approved and road and drain repair works were done. As per the remaining demands, complete proposals are being prepared for approval of new drain and road construction work and are being sent to the department through proper medium. Proposals related to new construction works will be sent to the government through the body after site selection and investigation. During the Jan Samasya Nivaran Pakhwada, the facility of paying property tax was being provided at the camp site itself. Along with resolving the complaints related to property tax and property assessment of new buildings, 350 out of 600 applications related to these were resolved on the spot.

As far as possible, demands related to property transfer, approval for new building construction and regularization were resolved at the camp site itself. Out of 700 applications related to these, 50 were resolved immediately. Since the remaining applications were related to district office or Nagar Niwas, they will be resolved in coordination with these departments. New ration cards were distributed, errors in ration cards were rectified and BPL/APL ration cards were made as per eligibility and given to the applicants in the ward-wise public problem resolution camps. Out of 19,500 applications related to ration card, ten thousand were resolved on the spot. The remaining applications will be examined and resolved soon.

With the help of the health department, the facility of first aid and blood test of the ward residents was provided at the camp site itself. During the fortnight, the health of 9200 people was tested and necessary treatment was provided. 7500 Ayushman cards were also made and distributed in the camps. Out of 12 thousand 750 applications of land dispute and revenue cases, 3050 applications were also resolved during the fortnight. 25 thousand applications related to electricity, street lights, cattle, stray dogs, encroachment, illegal construction, road obstruction etc. were received in the camps, out of which ten thousand applications were resolved immediately at the body level. The remaining applications were related to other departments and hence have been sent to the concerned departments for resolution.