Raipur. The Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) has arrested Patwari Brijesh Mishra red handed for demanding bribe in lieu of work in Tilda area of the capital. The applicants Mangaluram and Yogendra Baghel had fixed a deal for the sale of land located in village Nakati among themselves. Patwari Brijesh Mishra had demanded 30 thousand rupees as bribe from both of them for getting the verified B-1 and correction in the Khasra for the sale of the land.
According to the information, after Patwari Brijesh Mishra demanded money, applicants Mangaluram and Yogendra Baghel complained to the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) to arrest him red handed, after which ACB verified the complaint and the allegation was confirmed. The applicants told ACB that they had first given 10 thousand rupees to Patwari Brijesh Mishra and agreed to pay the remaining amount in installments of 10 thousand each, after which the ACB team laid a trap to catch the accused.
This is how ACB caught him red handed
Both the applicants had gone to give the second installment of 10 thousand rupees to the accused Patwari Brijesh Mishra today, during this time as soon as the Patwari took the money in his hand, the ACB team caught him red handed. The accused has been arrested and action is being taken against him under the provisions of Section 7 PC Act 1988.