Raipur: Students of hostel running against rules in Deepu Baghicha reached government hostel

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Children were welcomed on reaching the hostel

All facilities provided to children

Raipur, August 10, 2024


The boys rescued from the hostel run against the rules in Deepu Bagicha were shifted to Pre-Matric Scheduled Tribe Boys Hostel and the girls to Pre-Matric Girls Hostel. On their arrival here, they were given a grand welcome by the officials and other hostel children.
During this, a cake was also cut here to celebrate the arrival of the children. Apart from knowing about their well-being, the children were also pampered a lot. Here, all the facilities available in the hostel have been made available to the children. The children are very happy to come here. They are being taken full care of here. The district administration has instructed the hostel superintendent and superintendent to keep a special watch on the children and has asked them to immediately inform about any problem.
It is noteworthy that during the site inspection today at Sanskriti Kala Kendra Deepu Bagicha by SDM Jashpur, it was found that two buildings have been constructed here in Sanskriti Kala Kendra and Raji Padha. In the said building, Mahamanav Kartik Oraon Vidyalaya was being run as a hostel for the children of the school run in Raji Padha Tikaitganj. No permission was taken for running it as a hostel. During the investigation, many irregularities were found in the hostel. Taking action on this, the children were rescued and shifted to a government hostel.