Know All About World Tribal Day

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2024: Every August 9, to mark World Tribal Day, tribal communities scattered in different parts of India come together to celebrate their indigenous culture, food, music, dance, and heritage.

The UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations established August 9 in 1982 as the World Tribal Day. Later in 1994, UN General Assembly selected

agreement with UN Working Group on Indigenous Popilations inaugural meeting taking place in Geneva.

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai wrote on X, “Heartiest congratulations and best wishes to the tribal brothers and sisters, true servants of nature, who have been engaged in the conservation of water, forest and land for centuries, on World Tribal Day. All of you have been worshipping nature for centuries, keeping the civilization and culture intact and holding the flag of our golden history. All of you tribal brothers and sisters have an

tribal brothers and sisters have an important role in the upliftment of the nation and society. Our government is continuously working for the conservation and promotion of the glorious primitive culture and the happy life of the tribals, their progress. Congratulations and best wishes again”.