Chhattisgarh Mini Steel Plant Association said – Efforts are on to solve the problem, businessmen are free to start the closed industry

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Raipur. Many plants are currently closed in Chhattisgarh in protest against the increase in electricity rates. Amidst the losses caused by this, the Chhattisgarh Mini Steel Plant Association has said that we are continuously meeting the Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister, other ministers and officials to resolve the problem soon. In this period of huge losses, the businessmen who want to start their own plants are free to take decisions according to their profit and loss and their discretion.Chhattisgarh Mini Steel Plant Association also met Industry Minister Lakhan Lal Devangan today regarding their problems. During this, the officials discussed the matter, on which the minister said that he will convey our issues to the government. He also said that you people should start your plants. Due to this, the revenue of the state and Chhattisgarh Vidyut Mandal and the working class are getting affected. The association said, the officials of the organization are trying for high level talks. It is expected that it will take some more time to solve the problem.