Raipur: Chief Minister paid tribute to national poet Maithilisharan Gupt on his birth anniversary

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Raipur, 02 August 2024

Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai has paid his tributes to the national poet Maithilisharan Gupt on his birth anniversary on August 03. Shri Sai said that Gupt ji’s poetry was full of public awakening and moral consciousness. His compositions in refined Khariboli, full of national and social consciousness, influenced a large section of people. His compositions have played an important role in awakening the spirit of patriotism in the hearts of the countrymen.

Chief Minister Shri Sai said that seeing the impact of his works during the freedom struggle, Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi gave him the title of Rashtrakavi. His works were influenced by Ramayana and Mahabharata. Gupta ji was awarded many awards including Padma Bhushan for his timeless literature. The Chief Minister said that Gupta ji’s works are a priceless heritage of Indian literature, which will continue to inspire generations.