Raipur: On the instructions of Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai, public problem resolution fortnight was organized in urban bodies

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Camps will be organized in every ward from 27th July to 10th August, problems will be resolved immediately on the spot

Deputy Chief Minister Shri Arun Sao directed the officials of all departments of urban bodies to be present in the camps and solve the problems of the people

Appealed to the officials of urban bodies and public representatives for active participation in the public problem resolution fortnight

Raipur, 27 July 2024

On the instructions of Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai, public problem resolution will be organized in all the urban bodies of the state from today 27 July to 10 August. During this time, ward-wise camps will be organized in municipal corporations, municipalities and Nagar Panchayats to solve the problems quickly. Deputy Chief Minister and Urban Administration and Development Minister Shri Arun Saw has directed the departmental officers, commissioners of municipal corporations, chief municipal officers of municipalities and Nagar Panchayats to make proper arrangements to solve the problems of the citizens during the public problem resolution fortnight. He has appealed to the mayors, chairpersons, councilors and other public representatives to be present in the camps organized in the wards, so that maximum participation of the general public can be done in them.

The state government has issued a circular to the urban bodies for organizing the public problem resolution fortnight and directed that providing civic amenities to the local residents is the main responsibility of the body. There are many small tasks like tap collection, ration card, national family assistance, old age pension, social security pension, birth-death certificate, building construction licenses, no objection certificate, name transfer, self-employment cases and many other such tasks, whose resolution is expected soon. Along with these, there are also problems like leakage in water supply, no water in taps, cleaning of drains and streets, water flowing from the platform of public taps, cleaning and transportation of garbage, repair of broken drains, filling potholes on roads, street lights being out of order. The objective of ward-wise public problem resolution camps is to resolve these problems as well as provide necessary public amenities to the citizens.

The Urban Administration Department has directed the officials of all departments of the urban bodies to be present in the camp and ensure that the problems are resolved on the spot as far as possible. Taxpayers will also be provided the facility of paying taxes in the camps. The department has also directed to make arrangements for wide publicity in the ward and the city regarding the organization of ward-wise camps, so that the common citizen can get full benefit of the camp.

Deputy Chief Minister Shri Arun Saw has directed the Urban Administration and Development Department to organize ward-wise camps in all 184 urban bodies of the state to resolve the problems of the people on the spot. He said that by organizing ward-wise camps, pending complaints in the local administration will be resolved quickly and citizens will get the necessary facilities. Due to quick resolution of problems on the spot, goodwill of the people towards the urban government will also increase.