Raipur: As per the announcement of Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai, a committee was formed for the governmentization of Panchayat Secretaries

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The committee will submit its report to the government within 30 days

Raipur, 21 July 2024

On the occasion of Panchayat Secretary Day, Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai had announced in the felicitation ceremony organized by the State Panchayat Secretary Association, Chhattisgarh, on the demand for governmentization of Panchayat Secretary Association that a committee will be formed for its implementation. As per the announcement of the Chief Minister, a committee has been formed to consider the demand for governmentization of Panchayat Secretaries and its implementation. Secretary, Chhattisgarh Government, Panchayat and Rural Development Department, Shri Rajesh Singh Rana has been appointed the Chairman of the Committee. Director, Panchayat Directorate, Smt. Priyanka Rishi Mahobiya has been made the Member Secretary and Finance Controller, Development Commissioner Office, Mohammad Yunus has been made the member. This committee will submit its report to the government within 30 days.