Raipur : 17,000 women set a world record by planting 85,000 fruit saplings in a single day

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17,000 women took on the responsibility of caring for and nurturing 85,000 saplings like children

Gariaband district created a world record for a tree-planting program based on “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam” theme

Raipur, 10 July 2024


The Gariaband district administration has set a beautiful and unique example of implementing the ‘Poshan Nivesh’ (‘Invest in Nutrition’) campaign run by the Department of Women and Child Development. In the Gariaband district, newly married, pregnant, and lactating mothers participated in this campaign by planting 85,000 saplings. The idea behind this program is that, just as mothers nurture their infants with skill and affection, they will similarly nurture these plants. Women and Child Development Minister Smt. Laxmi Rajwade had advocated for planting fruit saplings, leading to a large-scale event in Gariaband district. Preparations began enthusiastically a few days earlier. Under the leadership of Collector Shri Deepak Agarwal, the ground staff of the Women and Child Development Department got involved in the work, and in just one day, 17,000 women set a record by planting 85,000 fruit saplings. This record has now been registered in the Golden Book of World Records.

Smt. Rajwade had appealed for planting fruit saplings in all ‘Anganwadis’ and ‘Poshan Badis’ across the state. Under this initiative, 17000 women in the Gariaband district planted fruit saplings prepared in various nurseries in the district through MGNREGA, which were distributed free of charge to the women. Saplings were planted in Anganwadis and Poshan Badis rather than open spaces, to ensure 100% care and protection. Women planted five saplings each of mango, guava, lemon, jackfruit, and moringa, and they took on the responsibility of caring for and nurturing these saplings like children.

Women set a world record by planting saplings of various fruits under the ‘Poshan Nivesh’ (‘Invest in Nutrition’) campaign on the theme “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam”. The district’s name has been included in the Golden Book of World Records for planting over 85,000 saplings in a single day. Smt. Sonal Sharma, Chhattisgarh Head of the Golden Book of World Records, presented Collector Shri Deepak Agarwal with the World Record trophy, medal, and certificate in the presence of the media and congratulated him on this groundbreaking initiative. At the event held in the Collectorate Hall, Smt. Sharma stated that this is the first program where 17000 women planted over 85,000 saplings in a single day, leading to the district’s inclusion in the Golden Book of World Records.

Collector Shri Agarwal stated that the program’s objective is to rescue women and children from malnutrition and to convey a message of environmental protection. Emphasizing the importance of saving plants over merely planting them, he mentioned that women have joined the campaign with determination to protect the plants planted under the program. Just as people invest in financial savings for the security of their children’s future, this ‘Invest in Nutrition’ campaign has been initiated to care for and nourish future generations. Under this initiative, women planted five saplings each in their gardens and pledged to care for them like their own children. These plants will provide fruits in the future, helping to eliminate malnutrition among women and children. Collector Shri Agarwal expressed gratitude to the district’s women for their participation in creating a world record by planting trees under the ‘Invest in Nutrition’ campaign.

It’s worth noting that following Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s call in “Mann Ki Baat” for citizens to plant a tree in honour of their mothers under the “EK Ped Maa Ke Naam” campaign, Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Deo Sai has appealed to schoolchildren and everyone to plant a tree in honour of their mothers.

CEO of Zila Panchayat Smt. Rita Yadav, DPO of the Women and Child Development Department Shri Ashok Pandey, and other officials were present.