Article: Those who imposed emergency are today appealing to the constitution – Vishnudev Sai

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Raipur. The freedom that India has today is the gift of great men like JP-Lohia-Atal-Advani. This is the freedom that was achieved by fighting the Congress. This is the freedom that was achieved by freeing the Constitution from the clutches of the Congress. Today we have invited about 350 democracy fighters from all over the state along with their families for dinner at the Chief Minister’s residence. I really feel fortunate by doing this. These are the fighters because of whom we regained independence and regained democracy. Who got our Constitution back even after facing extreme torture. Because of such democracy fighters from all over the country, today we are feeling proud as the largest democracy in the world. Our largest and most successful democracy in the world often produces colorful scenes too. You will be surprised to read that when India was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Emergency imposed on it, at the same time the people of the Congress-led opposition were waving copies of the Constitution while raising slogans of the alleged murder of the Constitution. The people of that Congress who murdered the Constitution, suspended even the basic rights of the people and abolished the civil rights and did arbitrary things. Loknayak Jaiprakash Narayan had called it the ‘darkest period of Indian history’.

The fact is that the nationalists whom the Congress is accusing of ending the Constitution today, that Constitution and democracy have been saved by the same nationalists, which Prime Minister Narendra Modi is working to revive. The freedom that India has today is the gift of great men like JP-Lohia-Atal-Advani ji. This is the freedom that was achieved by fighting against the Congress, it was brought by freeing the Constitution from the clutches of the Congress. There was a fierce resentment in the country against the dictatorship, corruption and all the irregularities of Indira Gandhi. When the Allahabad High Court gave a decision against Indira Gandhi on the election petition of Raj Narayan ji, who was Indira Gandhi’s rival in the last election, she seemed to be losing power and then the Emergency was imposed on the night of June 25, 1975. All fundamental rights were suspended. During that time, copies of newspapers were confiscated by visiting the offices of 3801 newspapers in the country. 327 journalists were jailed under MISA law. Government advertisements were stopped in 290 newspapers. 7 correspondents of several newspapers like The Times and The Guardian of Britain were expelled from India. Telephone and other facilities of many foreign news agencies including Reuters were cut off. Accreditation of 51 foreign journalists was withdrawn. 29 foreign journalists were denied entry into India. There is no other example of the way the fundamental right to expression was crushed then. Today’s democracy exists not because of Congress, but in spite of it.

We may have succeeded in regaining independence with the sacrifice of our ancestors, but threats to this independence will remain as long as Congress exists. We have recently got rid of such a period in Chhattisgarh, where a case was filed on the charge of treason for merely talking about power cuts. Where hundreds of cases were filed against national leaders and journalists because these leaders condemned the brutal murder of saints, or exposed the ‘tool kit’ of the opposition conspiracy to defame the government and the country during the time of Corona.

Such elements and organizations with an emergency mentality still exist today, there is a need to be alert about the danger of anti-democratic elements every moment. These are the same elements who do not want to miss any opportunity to defame the country by constantly fabricating lies after lies. In 2019 itself, the Congress was continuously spreading propaganda that if Modiji won the elections, then the country will be in trouble, whereas the credibility of India’s election system is known all over the world. Congress kept telling such lies despite the fact that on the contrary, it was itself that had ended the possibilities of elections etc. during the emergency. The rights of the Parliament were taken away. Today Modiji has won for the third time and the Election Commission is independently announcing by-elections in the country. Elections are soon to be held in Jharkhand, Maharashtra etc. But Congress is not at all ashamed of its lies.