On the instructions of Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai, cash payment will be made to tendu leaf collectors of Sukma, Bijapur and Narayanpur districts…

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the proposed area and will make cash payment to the concerned collectors by making appropriate entries in the Tendu leaf collection card and will obtain receipt. Adequate publicity will be done before cash payment and a report will be submitted after doing complete videography of all the work related to cash payment. Under the guidance of the concerned District Collector, instructions have been given to ensure necessary action for issuing Aadhar card to the collectors as per requirement and opening bank account during the above camp. For this, necessary cooperation will be obtained from CSC, local bank etc. As per the bank account details received from the collectors, necessary registration in collector survey software, tendupatta payment software etc. will be ensured through district union and CSC. Instructions have been given to complete the process of payment of remuneration amount to the collectors within 15 days.