If you are troubled by Pitra Dosh then do this remedy on Ganga Dussehra, auspicious coincidence is being created

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The importance of Ganga Dussehra is considered very special in Hinduism. Before starting any holy work, it is purified by bathing in the Ganges or sprinkling with Ganga water. Ganga Dussehra is also known as Gangavataran. It is believed that on this day Mother Ganga descended on earth from the locks of Lord Shiva. This time Ganga Dussehra will be celebrated on 16 June. This time this festival is going to be very special because many auspicious coincidences are being formed on this day. The special thing is that this coincidence is being made after 100 years. The person who has the blessings of the ancestors does not have to face any kind of problem in life. On the other hand, if the ancestors get angry, then the person has to face Pitra Dosh. Due to which many types of problems arise in life.

Worship of Peepal tree
To get rid of Pitra Dosh, water should be offered to the Peepal tree, because it is believed that ancestors also reside in it. Along with this, during worship, one should circumambulate the Peepal tree seven times. Also, light a lamp under the tree by mixing mustard oil and black sesame seeds and donate the shadow.

To get rid of Pitra
Dosha, mix black sesame seeds in water and offer it towards the south. According to Hindu beliefs, performing rituals like Shraddha, Pinddaan etc. on Amavasya and Pitra Paksha pleases the ancestors, due to which there is no risk of Pitra Dosha.

Do this work in the evening
To get rid of Pitra Dosha, purify yourself by sipping water every evening. After this, put oil in an earthen lamp and light the wick and place it on the roof in the south direction. Along with this, pray to your ancestors for well-being. If you want, you can also use a diya made of cow dung. This pleases the ancestors and blesses them with happiness and prosperity.