After the end of the Lok Sabha elections, Raipur Municipal Corporation Council has once again woke up regarding the widening of the road from Sharda Chowk to Tatyapara which was stuck for years. On Saturday, Raipur Mayor and MIC members reached there and took a meeting with the traders.
In the meeting, the Mayor also took information about the correspondence from the traders regarding the widening and the compensation amount received. However, traders said that no letter has been received from any department or government regarding level widening and compensation.
The budget was passed in our government
Mayor Ejaz Dhebar told that when our government had budget session for widening. For this, PWD department agency was created and the work of monitoring also started. But after the change of government till date no one has mentioned the name of widening.
Local MLAs also protested against the fact that expansion is not happening in our government, but today they are not saying anything when their government comes. Nor was it mentioned in the budget.
Will meet the Chief Minister
The Mayor said that we were feeling that the compensation money might have reached the traders of Sharda Chowk from Tatyapara. But traders said that till now no letter or discussion has been received from the department or the government. Dhebar said that all the councilors will approach the Chief Secretary and the Chief Minister in this matter. Will also discuss with the minister in this regard. If the amount is sanctioned for road widening, then why has that amount not been given to the traders as compensation till now?
Traders said development has stopped
Businessman Sunny Aggarwal said that all the traders want Chauri Karan. We want to elevate our business. The business that used to be in Phool Chowk in 2005 has deteriorated further in 2024. In 2005 there was not a single penny of business in the Ring Road but today the business in the Ring Road has increased manifold. People also need parking facilities along with widening. Today, development has come to a halt due to lack of widening of the road beyond Sharda Chowk.
Businessman Badrinarayan said that the plan for widening has been in the works since 2008. Since then this scheme runs intermittently but later stops. We hope that this time some work will be done on it. The mayor says that the budget was passed in the previous government. But now no work has been completed.
There are long traffic jams every day
The road from Tatyapara to Sharda Chowk is quite narrow. Due to which there is a lot of traffic on the road and long traffic jams occur every day. Every day more than 50 thousand vehicles travel through this road. Because of this, there is heavy traffic on this road every day.
100 houses and shops will be demolished
At present the road from Sharda Chowk to Tatyapara is 12 meters. Now it is to be increased to 24.80 meters wide. According to the survey of PWD, the road will be widened by 12.40 meters on both sides from the middle of the road. Shops and houses of about 100 traders are coming due to road widening. Measurement report was also prepared by the department during the previous government. In the last government, an amount of about Rs 125 crore was announced to be distributed as compensation.
Three mayors changed, but the work could not be completed
The plan to widen the road from Tatyapara to Sharda Chowk was made about 18 years ago. During this period, the tenure of three mayors Sunil Soni, Dr. Kiranmayi Nayak and Pramod Dubey ended, but the road widening work was not completed. Along with the mayor, about a dozen corporation commissioners also changed.
This scheme was first brought by former mayor Sunil Soni. At that time, due to the presence of BJP government in the corporation and the state, half the work was completed. But after this, the mayor in the corporation was of Congress and the government in the state was of BJP. Due to this also the tension increased. At present, due to the presence of Congress government in both the corporation and the state, the matter was easily approved. But after the change of government, the work is now incomplete.