BJP government is a victim of confusion on Naxal policy – Congress

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Unfortunate minister is weighing Naxal murder on BJP-Congress


Vishnudev government responsible for continuous Naxal killings

Raipur/15 May 2024. Congress has strongly condemned Minister Ramvichar Netam’s statement regarding Naxalism. State Congress Communication Department Chairman Sushil Anand Shukla said that the senior minister should say that Naxalites kill BJP leaders, why not the Congress? This is a very objectionable statement. Which country has suffered more from Naxalism than Congress? 31 Congress leaders were murdered in Jheeram. Four Congress leaders have been murdered after the formation of the BJP government. The state government minister is weighing Naxal killings on the scales of Congress and BJP.

State Congress Communication Department Chairman Sushil Anand Shukla said that the inaction and indecision policy of BJP’s Vishnudev government is responsible for the continuous Naxal killings in Bastar. Naxalite activities have increased since the BJP government was formed in the state. The government is not able to decide what to do in the Naxalite issue, due to which Naxalite activities have increased. The people of Bastar are suffering the consequences of the government’s indecision. Tribal people are once again getting crushed between the two forces of Naxalism.

State Congress Communication Department Chairman Sushil Anand Shukla said that the previous Congress government had made a solid policy on Naxalism. The Congress government had moved ahead with the basic mantra of trust, development, security, which yielded positive results and 80 percent reduction in Naxalite activities in the state. There was a reduction in the number of districts and during Raman Raj, Naxalism had reached 15 districts. In 5 years of Congress government, it was confined to remote areas of Bastar. Due to the indecision of the present BJP government, Naxalite activities have once again increased in the state.

State Congress Communication Department Chairman Sushil Anand Shukla said that after the formation of Vishnudev Sai government in Chhattisgarh, Naxalite incidents are happening almost every second day. Due to the inaction of the Sai government, Naxalites have carried out more than 60 incidents within the last five months. The innocent tribal people are suffering the consequences of the failure of the BJP government. The way in which in the 15 years of the previous BJP government from 2003 to 2818, more than 1500 local tribals were killed in Naxalite incidents, more than a thousand security force personnel were martyred and thousands of innocent tribals were jailed by making fake cases. Was. With the coming of BJP government in Chhattisgarh, the same period has come once again. 2 children died in the explosion. Recently, a 6-month-old girl was killed in Bastar, who was said to have died in cross firing. In the last five months, there have been continuous allegations regarding fake encounter.

Sushil Anand Shukla
Chairman Congress Communication Department
Chhattisgarh Pradesh Congress Committee