Mineral and Revenue Department action on illegal sand mining, 2 highways including chain mountain machine seized

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Abhanpur. Today, the team of Revenue and Mineral Department has jointly taken action against illegal sand excavation in village Lakhna of Abhanpur, Chhattisgarh. During this period, the department has seized four chain mountain machines and two against Hiwa.

After this action, there is panic among the sand mafia. There were continuous complaints of illegal sand excavation and transportation in village Lakhna, to curb which departmental action was taken today.

According to media sources, sand mafias in Lakhna village were illegally mining and transporting hundreds of sand from Mahanadi to the highway every day, but the responsible officials of the Mineral Department, despite knowing everything, were not taking any concrete action in this direction. . Due to this, the morale of the sand mafia was also high.

Today on Friday afternoon, Mineral Department officials along with Revenue arrived for surprise inspection and took action. Let us tell you that for a long time, black business of illegal sand excavation is going on in Tila including village Champaran, Semra of Abhanpur area. But even after getting the information, the departmental officials had not taken any action till now.

Now it remains to be seen whether, after the action taken today, the departmental officers will be able to curb the black business of illegal sand mining going on in the area or not.