Stay away from these 5 vegetables which increase body temperature, your health may deteriorate…

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5 Vegetables Increase Body Temperature: Keeping yourself cool in the summer season is the most difficult task. Due to increase in body heat in this season, various changes in hormones cause acne, piles and digestive problems on the face. If you also face a similar problem in summer, then you should avoid consuming these 5 special vegetables that increase body temperature.

Let us know about these 5 vegetables that increase body temperature. Generally, those vegetables which contain high amount of carbohydrates and proteins increase the body temperature. The special thing is that these vegetables are beneficial for those who want to lose weight.

Ginger (5 Vegetables Increase Body Temperature)

Ginger has the natural property of warming the body. Consuming it increases the body temperature. However, if you eat ginger in small quantities then it will not cause any harm and your health will also remain fine. At the same time, consuming ginger in large quantities regularly may cause you many problems.

 Jimikand (5 Vegetables Increase Body Temperature)

Jimikand, which is called mutton by vegetarian people, is consumed especially on Diwali because there are many reasons behind consuming it as a vegetable on Diwali. There is a religious belief that consuming Jimikand on Diwali brings happiness and peace in the house. Our body also gets many benefits, but in the summer season, it causes harm to our body instead of benefit, this is because its nature is hot which harms our digestive system as well as our skin. That is why one should avoid consuming it during the summer season.


Garlic makes food tasty but consuming it in excess causes hormonal imbalance in the body like onion.

leafy vegetables 

Leafy vegetables like spinach and greens are very beneficial for the body. Being rich in antioxidants, it also protects us from many diseases. But these vegetables contain rich amounts of protein. When this protein breaks down, it increases the body temperature. If you also feel too hot in summer, then stay away from such vegetables.


Brinjal is a vegetable which is liked very much by everyone but it should not be consumed at all during the summer season because its nature is hot which can spoil our digestive system. We may suffer from acidity and constipation.