Raipur : COVID-19 suspected patients undergoing treatment in private clinics, nursing homes and hospitals should be tested

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Health Department writes letter to IMA

If Patients are found COVID19 positive, Hospital should be disinfected and opened again after 24 hours

Raipur, 6 August 2020. State Government has given instructions to ensure testing of COVID-19 suspected patients coming to private clinics, nursing homes and hospitals for treatment. Secretary Health and Family Welfare Department Mrs. Niharika Barik has written letter to Chairman of Indian Medical Association, Chhattisgarh asking them to ensure immediate testing of COVID-19 infection suspected patients undergoing treatment in private hospitals, so as to identify the patients as start their treatment. Department has issued instructions that if any patient in hospital is found COVID-19 positive, then the hospital should be disinfected as per the guidelines of Government of India, ICMR and State Government and be reopened after 24 hours.
Health Secretary stated in the letter to presently the state is struggling with COVID-19 crisis. More than 10 thousand people have got infected in the state till date. It is important to timely test, diagnose and treat the infection to avoid casualty. Till date, 69 people in the state have died of COVID-19 infection. 51 of these were suffering from comorbidity.
Health Department has pointed out the observation that most of the patients were already undergoing treatment in hospitals, but they were not tested for COVID-19 infection on time. Hence, all the patients undergoing treatment in private hospitals, clinic and nursing homes suspected of COVID-19 infection should be tested immediately. In case they are found COVID-19 positive, they should be referred to COVID Hospital.