More than 6 lakh people do not vote in Raipur: District administration put up banners at every intersection, appealing to vote on May 7

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The district administration is continuously appealing to the voters to vote in Raipur Lok Sabha on 7th May. The district administration is now putting up huge hoardings at the intersections of the city telling that more than 6 lakh people do not vote in Raipur city. Therefore, this time come out of your homes and play your role in forming a strong government in the country.

Actually, 13 lakh 96 thousand 250 voters had voted in Raipur Lok Sabha in 2019. There was 68 percent voting here. This time the district administration is also running a sweep campaign to increase the voting percentage.

The Collector gave invitation letter and yellow rice to Chief Secretary Amitabh Jain and his wife.
The Collector gave invitation letter and yellow rice to Chief Secretary Amitabh Jain and his wife.

Those who vote will get various types of discounts

Many types of discounts will also be given to people to increase the percentage. Various business groups, hospitals and hotel restaurants associated with the Chamber of Commerce will be given special discount offers to people on showing the ink of their voting hand on May 7.

Many organizations themselves have associated themselves with the “Everyone should vote” campaign. Many big hotels, resorts, hospitals have announced various discounts to their customers if they visit their institutions after voting on May 7.

Collectors set out to distribute paati with yellow rice

To vote on May 7, the Collector is going from door to door to give paati with yellow rice to the people. On Thursday, Collector Gaurav Kumar Singh had gone to Jora Basti to distribute paati with yellow rice. The Bhoi family living there was enthusiastically preparing for the marriage of their son Kamesh. The groom Kamesh was feeling like turmeric.

An appeal for voting on Haldi ceremony was going on in the marriage hall.
An appeal for voting on Haldi ceremony was going on in the marriage hall.

Collector and District Election Officer Dr. Gaurav Singh along with his team reached the pavilion to attend the wedding ceremony of the Bhoi family,where the Haldi ceremony was going on. The Bhoi family blossomed with joy as soon as they got the introduction of the collector. The Collector appealed to the groom and his family to vote.