vDo not make these mistakes while serving food, otherwise mother Annapurna may get angry.

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n Vedic astrology, it is very important to keep many things in mind while eating food. It is considered important to maintain purity of mind and purity of food during meals. Along with preparing food, emphasis has also been laid on the way of serving it. It is believed that if food is served with proper rules, then Mother Annapurna becomes very happy and there is never any shortage of food in the kitchen. Some people start serving hot food immediately after it is prepared, but this should not be done. Let us know in detail what things should be kept in mind while serving food in a plate.

Avoid serving hot food

If you serve food in a plate immediately after cooking, then avoid doing so. This has a bad effect on the position of Rahu. Therefore, whenever food is to be prepared immediately, first of all remove the food utensils from the stove. After that keep the food to cool for some time. After this, first of all offer food to God. Food should be consumed after offering food. This is considered auspicious.

Do not make this mistake while serving rice

If you are serving rice in a plate, then the rice should never be taken out from the middle part. Always serve rice on the side. Annapurna Maa may get angry due to this. Also the person does not get mental peace. Therefore one should avoid making such mistakes.

Do not serve 3 rotis in a plate

If you are serving roti in a plate to any person, then you should not serve three rotis. Because 3 is considered inauspicious.

serve food with both hands

According to the scriptures, no one should hold the food plate with one hand while serving food. The plate should always be served by holding it with both hands. This improves relationships with others and life also remains happy.