Ballot outweighs Bullet: Highest turnout of 81.19% in Bindranwagarh, despite announcement of election boycott in villages and Naxalite threat, a lot of votes were cast.

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 Gariaband. Neither bullying nor threats worked, the highest turnout in the state was 81.19 percent in Bindranavagarh. The announcement of voting boycott in many villages was successful and despite the challenge of heavy Naxalite activities, the administration was successful in conducting the maximum number of votes.

It was a big challenge to conduct successful voting in Bindranavagarh assembly constituency of Gariaband district, but due to the efficient strategy and better coordination of the district administration, it was not only successful but got registered as the assembly which conducted the highest number of votes in the state. A total of 81.19 percent voting took place in the district, of which 75.59 percent was in Rajim and 81.19 percent in Bindranwagarh.

SSP’s advice worked

Koyba, Sahebin Kachar, Indagaon and Gariba Panchayats situated within the Udanti sanctuary had given sleepless nights to the administration by announcing election boycott a week before the voting. Yesterday, when there was activity in the polling stations in the entire area, there was silence in the two polling stations of Koiba – Nagesh, Sahebin Kachar, Kodomali and Gariba. As the days progressed, there was panic in the administration. At 10 in the morning, he was called to Bamhani Jhola to discuss with the representatives and villagers of these areas. SDM Tulsidas Markam, SDOP Bajilal along with many officers started discussions with the villagers.

The attitude of the villagers did not diminish in the first two hours of discussion. The officers did not have answers to most of the questions of the villagers surrounded by problems. Instead of getting better, things were getting worse. The district administration was taking every minute information about this meeting, in such a situation, Senior Superintendent of Police Amit Tukaram Kamble came to discuss. First he listened to everyone and then started presenting his views in his own style. Kamble is known for having a strong temper as well as presenting a firm stand in a calm manner. In such a situation, he pacified the villagers by giving an answer to every question. In the discussion which lasted for about 45 minutes, Kamble noted the problems of the villagers and then said that he tried everything. Now the police will stand by your problem. Giving the example of the concrete road that was stalled for 20 years in Aamora Od, he said that boycott is not the solution. SSP’s discussion also had an impact. Voting started at 1 o’clock in Gariba, Sahebin, Kodomali, Nagesh, because voting here was to be held till 3 o’clock. Similarly, seeing the crowd of voters in both the booths of Koiba after 2 o’clock, the officers also became overjoyed.

Ballot outweighs Bullet

Polling stations considered to be highly sensitive are 79% in Odh, 63% in Aamora, 17% in Gariba, 83% in Kamarbhaudi, 75.7% in Bade Gobra, 33.45% in Gaur village, 12.5% ​​in Sahebin Kachar, 48% in Kodomali, Nagesh 53. % percent voting took place. Whereas in the boycotted village Koyba, the voters have shown fearlessness by voting 63%. Before the elections, there were reports of Naxalite threats in many villages of Amlipadar police station area and threats of cutting off fingers if people cast their votes. Despite this threat, the voting percentage in the interior areas has shown fear-free voting.

20 additional companies were deployed

Apart from the forces deployed in the district, as soon as the Bastar elections were over, 20 additional companies were deployed in Gariaband district, which included 15 CRPRF, 4 MPSF, 1 CAF, which were deployed in the Naxalite activity area and a successful effort was made to conduct fear-free voting. The sensitive area was being monitored with drones since two days ago. Police also adopted effective strategy in evacuating the polling party from the sanctuary area. Instead of popular routes, routes with less traffic already included in the plan were selected. Army chauffer was used to transport the team in Amamora Odh.