If you want to keep yourself healthy in this scorching heat, then avoid these food items…

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Summer season has arrived and heatwave continues to wreak havoc in most parts of the country, due to which the condition of people has already become miserable. This heat wave is likely to increase further in the coming days. In such a situation, it is very important to take special care of your diet to keep yourself healthy amid the scorching heat.

In this season, people often pay more attention to what should be eaten, but do not take any information about what should not be eaten. Today we will tell you about some foods which you should avoid eating in this season, because these foods cause dehydration and can have adverse effects on the body. Let us know which are these food items.

Spicy Food (Diet Summer Season)

When the heat is at its peak, spicy food should be avoided. Capsaicin present in spicy food is harmful for your health, as it causes dehydration, increase in body heat, indigestion and discomfort.

Coffee (Diet Summer Season)

People often resort to coffee to get rid of laziness and sleep at home or office. However, coffee can harm you in summer. This causes dehydration in the body and also increases your body temperature. In such a situation, to take care of yourself during the scorching heat, do not consume coffee at all or limit it.


Often in summer, people like to drink soda water to cool down, but these carbonated drinks can be very addictive, due to which you will want to drink more of them in summer. Soda is very unhealthy and not only has high amount of sugar in it. Yes, but it also dehydrates the body.

Dry Fruits

Dry fruits are beneficial for our health, but limit their consumption in summer. It is true that they are nutritious, but dry fruits in summer increase the body temperature, which can cause discomfort during the scorching heat.

fried food

All fried food items like burgers, samosas and French fries should also be avoided in summer. This can cause dehydration. Also, these foods with high salt are difficult to digest in rising temperatures. Therefore, it is best to stay away from fried food in summer.


Due to high amount of sodium, pickles can also cause dehydration in summer. Apart from this, eating too many pickles in summer can also cause indigestion. Therefore, if possible, avoid pickles in this season.