Your fingers will get tired of counting the medicinal properties of this unique fruit, know what it is…

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Benefits of Lasoda Fruit: There are some trees and plants whose parts like fruits, flowers, leaves, stem, roots, seeds etc. are very beneficial for human health. One such fruit is Lasoda. Which is also called Lusada, Bahuvar, Gondi, Nisora ​​and Glauberi. This fruit, which looks like grapes, is available only in the months of May and June.

This fruit contains abundant amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Apart from this, Lasoda can also be eaten like dry fruits. Lasoda fruit is highly valued for its unique taste and medicinal properties.

Benefits of eating Lasoda Fruit


According to a study on rats published in January 2007 in the Nigerian Journal of Natural Products and Medicines, Lasode fruit contains oils, glycosides, flavonoids, sterols, saponins, terpenoids, alkaloids, phenolic acids, coumarins, tannins, resins, gums, and mucilage. The presence of etc. has been detected. Especially mucilage has the ability to cure liver problems.

toothache relief

Since ancient times, people have been consuming Lasoda fruit to get relief from toothache. The bark of this tree is also considered very beneficial. It is advisable to rinse it by boiling it in water. It can provide relief from toothache.

High Blood Pressure (Benefits of Lasoda Fruit)

Lasoda is generally used as a home remedy for high blood pressure disease prevalent throughout the world. According to the Health and Medical Research Study report in the year 2016, Cordia myxa fruit has the quality of curing high blood pressure. Lasoda reduces oxidative stress by managing blood pressure levels.

skin care

Grinding the leaves of the Lasoda tree and applying it also provides relief in curing boils, allergies, itching, rashes and infections on the skin.

Sore throat

Drinking the decoction of the bark of the stem of Lasoda is a famous home remedy to cure sore throat.

period pain

The recipe of decoction of Lasode bark also provides relief to women in pain during periods.

Oral hygiene and health

Apart from curing swelling of gums, toothache and mouth ulcers, the decoction of Lasoda bark also provides complete cover for oral health and hygiene.


The fruits and leaves of Lasoda have analgesic properties that provide relief from joint pain. Its regular consumption is a panacea for arthritis patients.

hair problems

Lasoda is also an effective home remedy for problems like premature graying of hair, hair fall and dandruff. Lasoda fruit juice relieves hair problems as well as headache. These days, Lasoda oil and paste are also becoming quite popular.