‘Centre gave Rs 3 lakh 80 thousand crore to CG’: Claim in Chimnani’s Modi-Magic book – Modi gave more than Manmohan in 10 years

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Chhattisgarh’s BJP leader and CA by profession Amit Chimnani has written a book named Modi Magic, in which he claims that from 2014 to 2024, the Modi government has given Rs 3 lakh 80 thousand crores to Chhattisgarh, whereas the Manmohan Singh government of Congress has given Rs 3 lakh 80 thousand crores to Chhattisgarh since 2004. From 2014 to 2014, only Rs 83 thousand crores were given to Chhattisgarh.

Amit said that the Modi government has given this amount to Chhattisgarh in the last 10 years from dozens of items like GST, corporate tax and income tax. The release of less funds by the Congress government shows their step-motherly behavior towards the state. This claim in the book has been made after receiving official information from government departments.

BJP leaders launched the book.
BJP leaders launched the book.

Congress cannot talk on these figures.
A program to launch this book in Chhattisgarh was also held at the state BJP office in Raipur. Here, Nitin Naveen, election in-charge of BJP Chhattisgarh and cabinet minister in Bihar government, said – From the figures of 10 years of UPA government and 10 years of Modi government given in the book, it is clear that more than 55 years of Congress’s work has been done in the Modi government. No national leader of Congress can show courage to discuss these figures.

Free gas connection to 10 crore people. It
is claimed in the book that in 10 years, 2.86 crore electricity collection, housing to 4 crore people, free gas to 10 crore people, tap water to 14 crore people, electricity to more than 31 crore people. Free treatment worth lakhs, 50 crore people have got bank accounts and 81 crore people have got free ration.

State Deputy Chief Minister Arun Sao said that these figures are facts of development, which Congress cannot deny.

The country will be under the rule of BJP and Congress in 10 years

Sector 10 years of BJP central government 10 years central government of Congress
total tax collection 215 lakh crores 68 lakh crores
average inflation rate 5 percent 8 percent
MSP of paddy 2183 per quintal in Modi government Rs 1310 per quintal
Purchase of pulses on MSP 82.21 mlt 1.52 mlt
budget size 48 lakh crores 16 lakh crores
Total payment to farmers on paddy purchase 12.18 lakh crore 4.4 lakh crore
average gdp 7.13 percent 6.81 percent
Capital expenditure 44 lakh crores 12 lakh crores
export 235 lakh crores 99 lakh crores
Total payment to farmers on wheat purchase at MSP 2.2 lakh crores 5.4 lakh crore
National Highway 146,145 km 91,287 km
speed of road construction 42.03 km per day 12 kilometers per day
foreign investment 629 billion dollars 304 billion dollars
defense exports 16 thousand crore rupees remained zero

(Note – Data is from the book Modi Magic written by CA Amit Chimnani)

You will get a free book

Amit Chimnani said that his aim is to provide information to the people through data. Therefore, he will not sell it, but will give this book free of cost to various sections of the society including public representatives and journalists. Also, the public will be able to download it from Amit Chimnani’s own website modimagics.com.