Diarrhea spread in Raipur, more than 25 sick: Children and pregnant women also affected; Risk of disease from contaminated water

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More than 25 people have fallen victim to diarrhea in Labhandi area of ​​the capital Raipur. The sick people also include a 6-month-old child, pregnant woman and the elderly. The health department team has admitted people to the hospital after receiving the complaint.

Diarrhea has spread in the Prime Minister’s Residence Colony. After this, the health department sent an ambulance and also deployed officers on duty at the spot. The health department is now screening people by setting up camps.

Diarrhea spread by drinking contaminated water

Health Department and Municipal Corporation deployment

Raipur CMHO Dr. Mithilesh Chaudhary said that more than 11 patients have been admitted to Mekahara for treatment. On the instructions of the Collector, the health center has been converted into a hospital where the health department staff is deployed. So that arrangements can be made to provide treatment to people nearby.

water is being tested

CMHO Dr. Mithilesh Chaudhary said that it has come to light after the spread of diarrhea due to water. The team has taken water samples and sent them for testing. At the same time, the health department and municipal corporation staff have been deployed on the spot 24 hours.

Ambulance taking patients to hospital.
Ambulance taking patients to hospital.

Contaminated water is the cause

According to the information received, there is no proper water system in the colony of Prime Minister’s residence and water was not being supplied even by tanker. Therefore, the people there were forced to drink water from the old bore. It is feared that people have fallen ill due to drinking contaminated water there.

Condition of patients under control

CMHO Dr. Mithilesh Chaudhary said that after receiving the complaint of diarrhea, the team of Health Department, Municipal Corporation and District Administration is reaching door to door and conducting survey. 25 patients have been found, out of which 12 people have been admitted to Mekahara. Everyone’s condition is under control.

Use only boiled water

The Health Department has appealed to all the people that they should drink boiled water only and if they feel unwell in any way, they can immediately go to a center in Labhandi and get treatment. Only after the water testing report comes, will we be able to tell what is the real reason?